A contract that is very accessible, but fishing by his confusion (too many options), her declining performance, and its weak offering of financial instruments
This contract general public celebrates ten years with over € 14 billion under management. The customers of The Postal Bank may open with 75 euros only. They will pay 3 % fee on payments, little negotiable. Windows shooting at a reduced fee are sometimes organized, under the condition to invest a part of funds to be risky! The management fees are 0.85% per year. The euro funds managed by CNP Assurances is deficient, with 1.80 per cent in 2015, after the 2.20 % in 2014 and 2.70 % in 2013, rates are even lower for the holders of the formula Vivaccio Amber.
Product confused
With five formulas investment different depending on the age of the insured, we would have been able to reach a contract useful. But the multiple guarantees of pension, options and benefits of assistance tend to obscure the message. And the offer of financial supports, a small handful only, is insufficient.
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Charges, options… : 2/4
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life Insurance rates / returns contracts
Two types of life insurance are worth more than a life Insurance : how to earn more life Insurance : what to do in the face of declining rates?
Funds in euros : 1/4
Other funds : 1/4