The plan, 500,000 of which training has not borne fruit, according to figures from the Pôle emploi published this July 20. The rate of return to employment after training is falling.

Getting training funded or paid by the Pôle emploi does not guarantee, automatically, to the job seekers to get a job.

The figures Pole employment, published on Thursday, July 20, show, on the contrary, that this connection is very fragile. The latest data show a net decrease. Thus, only 54.9% of job seekers have accessed a job six months after their training. This rate is down 3.5% compared to last year.

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just 28.3% of the unemployed trained have obtained a permanent contract. Again, this rate is declining (down 2.1%).

Pôle emploi, the State and Unédic have not reached the objectifd they were set (respectively 56% and 29%) for the year 2017. The public operator has not wanted to comment on these data.

A public further away from employment than the average

the decline in The return to employment relates to persons discharged from training between July and November 2016. Therefore, they have, for the most part, benefited from the plan to 500,000, put in place by the government Valls and the “extended by as he walked”. This device has doubled in 2016 the number of job seekers in training, to bring it to over a million. The objective of the plan was to connect the job seekers to a market in which they are often distant. Is it a failure?

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beyond the disappointment of these figures, it is necessary to consider the target audience for the plan is 500 000. Compared to job seekers benefiting usually training, it targeted more people with no or low qualifications, the long-term unemployed and people with disabilities, the population most remote from employment than the average.

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If these bad results are explained, therefore, they also illustrate the complexity of the mechanism of training of job seekers. Worry Emmanuel Macron, who has done the training, a key issue of its future reforms devoted to the unemployed. He promised that all those registered with Pôle emploi should carry out a skills assessment and then be “referred to appropriate training”.

good numbers to the accompaniment of the unemployed

Apart from these two negative indicators, the dashboard presented July 20 by the Pôle emploi provides a panorama rather positive performance of the operator.

On the first six months, 71.2% of the unemployed were satisfied with the support, a rate increase of 7.4 points from a year earlier and, this time, well above the goal (67%) for 2017.

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The recent reforms of the reception of job seekers, which are intended to “personalize their relationship with their advisor”, “bear fruit”, is believed to Pôle emploi. Among these changes: the possibility to contact the adviser directly by e-mail, the afternoons reserved for discussions and workshops on appointment or the implementation of the New Course of the job applicant (registration and claim online, first rendez-vous devoted to the diagnosis).

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Two unemployed attack the Pôle emploi for the “training bogus” 150 million euros in addition to the training of unemployed persons the government is extending The plan, “500.000” training… Because it works

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another indicator confirms the good performance of the Pôle emploi in terms of compensation: in the first half, 94.4% of new job seekers have received their first payment in time, a result that exceeds the goal (94%) for 2017.