The secretary of State has submitted 15 proposals to the Elysée and Matignon, in particular, to reassert the value of trades feminised, in the front line of the sars coronavirus.
Marlène Schiappa resumes the offensive on the economic front. Essentially mobilised during the containment by the issue of domestic violence, the secretary of State for equality between women and men does not want to release the pressure on the ground of the economic empowerment of women, the theme of the draft law that she prepared with Bruno Le Maire, and has suffered a screeching halt with the health crisis.
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While the 8th of march last should have been the occasion of the first announcements on this project, after the delivery in December of the report of the High council for equality and in January of the report of Chiara Corazza, the director-general of the Women’s Forum, he has seen the cancellation of many events, including the Prize ceremony for entrepreneurs to Force Women to Bercy, in the face of the arrival of the pandemic in France.
A distortion-flagrant
And then the world changed : in the panic, the bewilderment, the fear, the isolation. The issue of women fell into the background. But the women were on the frontlines : nurses, orderlies, teachers, cashiers, etc to The front to fight against the disease, fill in the essential services, but also in the home to ensure the custody and education of children, the care and treatment of the elderly, etc., While on antennas and waves, in the science councils and the policy arenas, the men explained, reflected, decided. Distortion, blatant, denounced by more and more observers and observer.
on The 18th of April, in The World, a tribune signed by researchers and trade unionists, was to reassert the value of jobs and careers that are predominantly female”. On the 28th of April, a petition titled “Down with the masks”, worn by a group of seamstresses and wardrobe for professional, intermittent employees, working in the preparation of masks in the fabric, called for the consideration of time and know-how voluntary all of these small hands. On may 8, finally, in Libération, a group of women workers from these sectors, and supported by elected officials, published a text in the form of a warning : “We will never be the good little soldiers for your wars”.
Reassert the value of careers and salaries occupations feminized
This is the day that has chosen Marlène Schiappa to convey to the Elysee and Matignon fifteen proposals to enhance the occupations, careers and wages of these women that we have seen in the first line during the crisis. The secretary of State also recalled that the issue of female entrepreneurship or of the role of women in the governing bodies was a central issue for the world after. It is also going near an enormous quack with the creation on the 23rd of April of the follow-up committee of the measures of financial support to the business community : chaired by Benoît Coeuré, it had initially only 2 women among its 14 members, the director general of the Treasury and a member… the integration of The trade unions (they had forgotten…), represented by ladies, will enable it to feminize it a little more.
will This be enough there to take into account the issue of gender in the public policies implemented to respond to the crisis ? Several women’s networks mobilized in recent weeks in order to alert the government about the specific risks facing female entrepreneurs : a manifesto of It&Co, call Move your Box after a study alarming about the fragility of the TPE directed by women. May 20, Marlène Schiappa will be the representatives of many networks. “There must be equality of women and men in the great cause of the revival”, explains it to the office of the secretary of State.
The G7 in the line of fire
And not only in France. The secretary of State for equality between women and men participate and may 12 afternoon to have a virtual meeting of high-level, organized by UN Women, at the side of its executive director, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, representatives of the european Commission, companies (Unilever, L’oréal), director general of the Women’s Forum and in charge of NGOS. In the program : the role of the next g-7 to the affirmation of women’s economic in a world post-Covid. It goes without saying that this first great appointment policy multilateral post-crisis, planned from 10 to 12 June, promises to be complicated for the cause of women : it will be held under the presidency of the us (less sensitive about that presidencies canadian in 2018 and the French in 2019, that is to say the least) and in a virtual format tightened, inevitably dominated by the economic damage the major caused by the pandemic.
Made quite unheard of on the part of a member of government, the secretary of State had published on April 27, a long note to the Fondation Jean Jaurès, entitled “Covid-19, threats on women in the world”, in which she warned about the overuse of the women at the front (nurses, teachers, cashiers, first line”) and at home, the upsurge of sexual and gender based violence, the decline reproductive rights, girls ‘ education and the exacerbation of economic inequalities in these times of covid-19, containment, and déconfinement.
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The role of women in the economy
Women and world after : the organizations mobilized for a recovery inclusive of 1000 hours to support the entrepreneurs “contest Science Factor allows young girls to distinguish between”
“beyond The direct effects of the crisis on the rights of women, the reactionaries of the whole world clung to the crisis related to the Covid-19 to undermine the principle of equality between women and men,” lamented Marlene Schiappa at the conclusion of this text. In addition to the G7 and one that is likely to be dominated by other topics, the Forum Generation Equality that was to be held in July in Paris and mark, twenty-five years after the Beijing conference, new commitments of States and NGOS in favour of women’s rights, has been postponed to 2021. As to the French law on the economic empowerment of women, the secretariat of State itself would risk even more to evoke a deadline…