So can norwegians save 4,25 billion in interest expenses

Early ultrasound to be offered to all women. When this quality of the baby is normal, will it then be immoral and abnormal to choose their “different” children?

Who has the right to to judge the women who choose to abort the pregnancy because the child has been shown Downs syndrome? In Norway, it is up to the individual to make that decision.

It’s not about being brave or cowardly. If I had received such information, was probably not my feelings and thoughts have been something different than everyone else’s. How is life now? What about my dreams? The job? Marriage will withstand this?

It makes me not to an evil man to be worried about if I will be able to take care of such a child. The stories of mothers who every day fight to maintain the value and the rights of his child are not few.

But how is the offer about this quality together with the most important foreldredyden of all: unconditional love? What is the importance of getting it that the relationship between mother and child begins with a subject?

Everyone wants a healthy child. At the same time cheering us on diversity. It looks good in the feed, our. All shall, we say. In Norway, there is space for all! But no one chooses a child with disabilities just to maintain the diversity of the community.

SV, Ap and the Frp team this change as a victory for Norwegian women, although it does not provide any health benefits. No tests, nor is completely safe. Many of the tests that shows that the child has a disabilities, will be false alarms, and some will get to know that the child is healthy even if it is sick. This will create a false sense of security.

These parties will therefore use the 100 million annually to pacify the restless with more questions than answers. When should we get this information? The focus is rather on lifting up myndiggjøringen of women’s right to know and then choose.

But is the will power crucial when choosing of your disabled children should get to live or not?

Women need safety and security. We must not forget that serious deviations or disease in fetuses are very rare. Moreover, we need to be seen and heard by a health care system that does not take a single pregnancy for granted. Healthcare professionals must help women to see for themselves how this life is. Do not twist her thoughts over at: But why choose a child with disabilities when you can try again? Get a normal child?

we Will be able to cheer for, and defend, the women and the families who select their sick children in the future? Or, we think that the lives of the community, and we are forced to spend precious resources on a so-called ufullverdig and outdated human life? A life that easily could or should have been selected.

the Crisis that Norway takes part in the right now, this is a reminder that life is unpredictable. We want to give women control, without having to first recognize that we are vulnerable and need the community’s strength to face life’s hard realities. To get children, and is an uncertain project. Parenting means many joys, some disappointments, and some very few dramatic experiences.

the progress party’s helsepolitiske spokesperson claims that this is a historic amendment. It helps little when you are standing on the wrong side of history. Imagine that we in a so-called modern societies must fight for there to be room for everyone.

And to the pregnant women who are experiencing that the child is not wanted: We will stand with you and fight to the last end.

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