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Message president Donald Trump has begun to take malariamedisinen hydroxychloroquine to prevent covid-19, fits neatly into the pattern of news from The white house.

It is not possible to be shocked. Bråvendingene in the handling of coronakrisen and most other issues, is the only constant factor in the Trumps serve as president. It is not random. Unpredictability is something Trump believes gives him an edge facing the outside world. There is a lesson to be learned from mediation contexts in the business world that Trump has taken with him into the world’s most powerful job.

Free rein in business can be helpful, although it also is unclear to what extent it has given value for Trump. His personal fortune has been notoriously overvalued, and in the years before he contested the election, had access to credit dried up – apart from at the Deutsche Bank, which followed a liberal utlånspraksis.

Turn On the LydErrorAllerede plus customer? Log into herError TAKE the MEDICINE: Trump revealed at a press conference Tuesday that he is taking the malaria medicine against covid-19. Video: AP View more

As the leader of the world’s largest economy and military power is the need for stability is a factor that Trump is not interested in to take into account.

Coronakrisen has been a close study in the issue in this: the daily press conferences where the president’s helserådsgivere goes nervously around on the toes, the outcomes against the press and the World health organization, changing the advice about the dangerous treatments, regular falsum about testhyppighet in the united STATES – not to say the lack of handling in the initial phase.

Trumps method is to allow themselves anything, from a thought of that unpredictability in itself is a strength.

Thus, he even the identity on the close adviser in The white house who had tested positive for covid-19 – visepresidentens spokeswoman Katie Miller, even though the media had failed to write the name of respect for privacy.

And so he said even, during a round table conference with top corporate executives for american restaurant chains Monday, that he had begun to take a daily pill with hydroxychloroquine. He hoped he could stop it soon, he added. But that people should be taking the pill if they wanted to.

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Trump provides selvmedisineringen a face.

It is surprising is not necessarily that he takes malariamedisinen, but that he says it out loud – and in this way.

the Medicine has been tested in smaller studies, without proven results. There is thus no evidence to say that it is effective, but it is still ongoing controlled studies to investigate this further.

Trump has also previously talked warmly about malariamedisinen. His own experts at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has, however, warned against using it in the treatment against covid-19 because it can cause dangerous disturbances in heart rhythm. The exception is in the controlled studies or by the hospitals where patients are under the supervision of doctors.

Trump can be said to be a particularly guarded case, which may have frequent supervision of the doctors to follow up on his condition.

Wary of the “Trump-medicine”. Kicked

But when he advocated that this is something that may or may not be general access to, he talks across distinct medical advice from public authorities.

Trump undermines their own helsemyndigheters warnings, issued in anticipation of the documented effects of an otherwise risky drug, in the middle of a pandemic that has killed over 90 000 americans. There are a total of ruthlessly.

This points against another, and often mentioned feature of the Trumps presidentgjerning – his non-binding relation to the facts and expertise. So it must be, if the Trump should get to have their games room. The one follows from the other. He can’t surprise and overrumple if he must adhere to the established truths. One set of scientific evidence is apparently interchangeable with another.

In this way, is the Trump mode to undermine not only his own country’s position and authority. He also contributes heavily to sabotage a public political culture that is based on facts, research and empirical. It is an ideal which is fragile and difficult to live – even more so when the world’s most powerful man daily takes powerful this to undermine it.

His dream can become your nightmare Comment

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