So can norwegians save 4,25 billion in interest expenses 18. may 2020 have the Odin André Garden Jacobsen been gone for 18 long months. We parents could not førestilla us that it would go so long without that we had the answer on what has happened with the child.
The great young lad who stood on the threshold of vaksenlivet. Yet has not the police managed to closed some of the matter and the wrong hypothesis they have in etterforskinga in the “savna issues”, in spite of great efforts. We have learned much in this process.
Among other things, we have learned that the police have little powers and resources when a disappearance is defined as a savna-case. It is not until they have a suspicion of something criminal that the police have more resources to drive investigation. But how you know that it has not happened something criminal when a person is savna?
Odin (19) disappeared in twelve weeks: – Has no answer
We have also learned that the inspectorate’s a rule about that video-overvakingsbilde must slettast within 7 days, is a big obstacle for the police in their work. Therefore, the debt that the police guarantee themselves overvakingsmateriale as quickly if possible. But as a representative from the Inspectorate said in a newspaper article just after odin’s disappearance; in such cases, it is possible to make exception from the 7-dagarsregelen. There should be police checked.
We have also gained insight in that even if the overvakingsbilde is plain, so they are not gone forever. This is also known for etterforskarar in abuse cases. It is not before a overwrite the deleted files that lie on the lagringsharddisken that they cannot gjenopprettast.
In the Odin party did over two months with overwriting that there has been a bring the work to bring up the photo, which shows that Odin was at Pir II, Brattøra. We are grateful to the police analysis, although much of the material was lost. But what happened after that Odin and the last was observed by funnstad two long out on the Pir II kl. 06. February, 18 months ago? And what observed føraren in the white car that parked on the net, the same place six hours later.
We have also learned that tilfeldigheitar can change a investigation. A man who went on the trip by Jonsvatnet observed something he recognized as odin’s assets from etterlysingane on the facebook page “Where is Odin?”. This discovery meant that the police saumfarte the area, both on land and in the water. But still is found at Jonsvatnet a mystery. How the harbour odin’s assets at Jonsvatnet, almost two miles from the Brattøra? Who took the its his with there and why?
We have also seen that the police do a thorough work, especially now they have concrete tips to go after.
Several times where people have trudd that they have observed the Odin, does the police have been quickly on hand. But there have also been many tips, reputation and innspel from the clairvoyant that has been in the sprikande directions in this case. We understand that the police have had a difficult job, with prioritera tasks. But now when the corona restriksjonane is less, and the other issues are solved, we hope the police can prioritera to etterforska Odin-guilty again.
The most important thing we have learned after odin’s disappearance is yet how many who cares. Both odin’s friends, family and many other støttespelarar has contributed continuous, with commitment, courage and support. People have been generous with good words, time, and funding. We all want to get an answer on what has happened with Odin. No need to police følga up.
the Post was first published on Facebook, and courtesy of the Impulses. It is reproduced in the Newspaper with the permission of the writer.
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