Baidu is now part of-court transactions on the Blockchain. The technology, which is also available under the crypto-currency Bitcoin, to secure evidence.

By Phillip Horch
9. September 2019BTC$10.336,19 -0.62%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

in currencies, The Blockchain technology has a wider application field than Bitcoin and Crypto. Through its decentralised organisation, and its transparency and security-it opens up a wide range of fields – primarily in the administration. For example, the Oil company Shell uses the technology to optimize the Oil trade. Also, the Swiss food giant Nestlé and Tech company SAP, put, however, on the Bitcoin technology, to use their advantages in the administration.

Baidu is using the Blockchain in the legal field

As a further link in this chain, China’s Google” Baidu joins “. According to local Reports, the largest search engine in the country keeps a Blockchain for the administration of legal processes. This covered the procedures under the arbitration, the settlement of the dispute in state court. The technology that is Bitcoin for the accuracy of transactions, and Baidu are used to vouch for the authenticity of the Evidence. Because the Blockchain can assure with cryptographic Evidence that the data are real.

announced As Baidu, the company with a platform that uses Network Slicing. In turn, it is possible to combine different networks in a common structure. To do this, Baidu has obviously worked with the competent authority, the Qingdao Arbitration Commission. With the appropriate Blockchain solution, it should be possible, legal evidence digital to align and thus to achieve maximum transparency. It builds on the Open Source Protocol of the search engine provider, the XuperChain on the Baidu Blockchain Engine.

Baidu and the technology under Bitcoin

The present project of Baidu is not the only one that uses the technology of Bitcoin. Baidu Recently launched a Blockchain to manage patient data. In addition, under the Tech giant from China, the PIC Chain for the management of Copyright.

Baidu: the Leading search engine providers & censor of the year

Baidu is the leading search engine provider in China with a market share of 63 percent in the area of search engines. Worldwide, it is one of the five most frequently visited pages. In mid-2018, the company came to a market value of $ 94 billion. According to the information of the time Baidu operates on the instructions of the Communist leadership of the country large-scale censorship. So hundreds of thousands to browse censors the net, and regime-critical comments to delete. Google, the biggest competitor of Baidu, has already withdrawn in the year 2010 from the middle Kingdom.


Shell and Macquarie crude oil are planning to trade on the Blockchain-a platform to fight the Central banks: Why China is upgrading with a digital Central Bank’s currency against the United States, Nestlé draws a sober conclusion: Blockchain-progress stumble#Baidu#Blockchain#China