The mass close Service Telegram has released the source code for the operation of a Full Node in the test network of Telegram Open Network (TON). Thus, the decentralized nature of the Facebook competitor, is clearly visible.

Max Halder
9. September 2019ETH$182,11 0.19%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Smartphones are an integral part of the Western world. This is partly due to the simplification of the communication around the globe. What the beginning of the SMS, and later Messenger services such as ICQ and social networks like Facebook & co. are now for some time now, WhatsApp and Telegram. In addition to the exchange of messages is also the one of money in mind the two giants of the Tech industry. To work the Whole thing using Blockchain technology. By the existing infrastructure that is used by hundreds of millions of people already, could be raised in order for the self-understanding of crypto-currencies to a new level.

money bill or a digital message?

Actually, the idea to send money via mobile phone is not new. The Sending of cell phone works but credits via SMS in some African countries for many years. Problem here seems to be, however, the limited use of the area to be: Not every mobile phone wants to credit. Also, this circumstance is it that drives the chief days of the Telegram.

By means of Facebook’s WhatsApp is already since may of this year, including Bitcoin and Litecoin to send – even if the Whole is to be treated with caution. Facebook Libra Coin is probably the currently most prominent witness of the crypto currency, time, spirit. As well as the situation in the case of Facebook may be, in the case of Telegram the in-house Blockchain named CLAY (Telegram Open Network) is just before the Main Release. In the SOUND network, a separate Proof-of-Stake Token called the Gram will be launched. Thus, the preparation of the 1.7 billion heavy ICOs of 2018 is in the final round. As we have already reported to the Mainnet at 31. October will be launched.

More Full Nodes, more decentralization, more Telegram

a Blockchain works, it needs to be Full Nodes that store the entire Blockchain on a Hard Disk and using a program transactions to validate. Currently, there are about 100 of these Full Nodes in the test network of audio, so Mitja Goroshevsky, CTO at SOUND Labs. Since, Telegram attributes, in contrast to Facebook, a dezentraleres Image, it needs of course some more of these Full Nodes. To Goroshevsky:

the source code for a Full Node has been published, you can access the test network and new blocks and validate can generate. The Lite Client was already several months previously available. SOUND Labs is making a Beta Version of the developer tools on Monday in public.

A fact that is likely to make SOUND for developer, attractive, is the compatibility of SOUND and Ethereum. According to Alexander Filatov, CEO at SOUND Labs, was the development of a compiler is probably the most difficult step. With this Compiler there is now, however, a Light, which is transmitted on the Ethereum Blockchain viable Software on SOUND.


Telegram Token “Gram” comes on October 31. October Telegram: Button Wallet want to users to the crypto-trade via Messenger enable DDoS attack on Telegram: The trail leads to China#Messenger#Telegram#SOUND