After difficulties in the past Bakkt launched soon Bitcoin Futures. The Initiative, part of the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) is the 22. July 2019 to begin with the first test runs. The competent Supervisory authority Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), allows for content-related complications, the long-awaited financial products. Institutional investors now have easier access to the crypto economy.

From Polina Khubbeeva
14. June 2019BTC$8,421 total,00 2.64%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

In a blog post on Medium Bakkt-COO Adam White, the long-awaited date for the test is known to have launch of Bitcoin Futures on its platform. In the Post of 13. July 2019 announces White at the beginning of the User Tests for BTC Futures for the 22. July 2019. Bakkt is an Initiative of the major Intercontinental Exchange (ICE).

Bitcoin Futures contracts by means of time-shifted lever mechanism betting on the Bitcoin enable course. Although the financial products are not in the scene without controversy, experts expect their introduction with voltage. Bitcoin Futures are soon to be available in two versions Bakkt traded. More specifically, there will be a Version with daily Settlement on a monthly basis.

Numerous delays in the start date

introduce Originally Bakkt announced in August 2018, BTC Futures. Because of regulatory ambiguities and the platform had moved the start date of the product, however, a number of times. The complexity of the Futures made it difficult for the competent authority to issue timely permits. The CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) was able to meet, among other things, due to the Government Shutdown in the U.S., no final decision.

start dates in December 2018 and January 2019 Bakkt had to move already. Now you put the 22. July 2019 at last on a definitive date. The long Expect the launch of Futures on Bakkt had the same time on the BTC-exchange. In may 2019 this shot after a Bakkt announcement to the Futures launch in the height.

test phase for Bakkt Futures

the beginning of the test runs for Bakkt Futures COO White accordingly compares with the moon landing.

This is not a small step. This Launch will set a new Standard for the access to the crypto markets. Because compared with other markets, remains institutional involvement in crypto behavior. This is due to restrictions in the market infrastructure and regulatory uncertainties.

Low trading volumes, liquidity and price transparency are negative consequences for the crypto economy.

Bakkt had to overcome for the determination of the Futures-start date already numerous hurdles. If all goes well, opens up the platform to institutional investors will soon have access to the crypto-Ecosystem. Specifically, the Testing in the User acceptance with Bitcoin, backed by actual BTC instead of Fiat money will take place.

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