The App Abra-free switches from now on, the acquisition of interests in traditional financial products with Bitcoin. Also broken pieces of shares with Bitcoin can be purchased.

By Christopher clover
On 29. May 2019BTC$8.703,00 0.08%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

to invest mobile Investment App Abra allows your users now, with Bitcoin in classical investments like stocks or exchange-traded Fund (ETF). American way, as is so often excluded from the new investment. This is from a press release, the BTC-ECHO is present.

focus on financial inclusion

After that, customers from 150 countries can make from the function of bitcoin as a “programmable money” use.

invest In the financial markets is a fundamental means to personal and build prosperity. Outside the U.S., the majority of the world’s population due to lack of access or financial resources are not invested so far in financial products and markets,

Bill Barhydt, CEO and founder commented on the new Feature of the Abra-App.

Abra addresses these global inequality by enabling more people to invest in the financial markets. The focus of this new Features is to make the international financial markets for people in emerging countries accessible and affordable,

so Barhydt more.

a minimum investment of five billion US dollars in pave-Dollar people on a Budget access to the stock market. The highlight: The App allows you to buy fractional pieces of the financial products. The latter include for a popular stocks, such as Google, Apple, Amazon & co. On the other hand, the App allows you to investing in indexes such as the S&P 500, commodities like Gold or oil. In addition, it can also be used in all markets invest, for example in the Form of index funds of emerging countries.

Not your key, not your Bitcoin

When using the Abra-App to keep the users also have full control over your deposits. Investments are stored on the Bitcoin Blockchain. Neither Abra nor any third parties have access to this. In the crypto-speech, this means: The user remain in possession of their Private Keys.

According to data from Abra have already registered more than 10,000 investors in the wait-list for the Abra App. According to the press release, the company intends to waive up to the end of the year on the collection of Trading fees.

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