is allowed to forward shock After the past the financial service provider Robinhood a huge financial injection. Up to 200 million US dollars in fresh investor funds are currently available. Corresponding to rumors, the US economy news site Bloomberg confirm. The Deal is successful, the market could grow to value the California-based Start-ups on up to 10 billion US dollars. The Contract signatures are still, to this hour the talks with investors to continue.

By David Barkhausen
On the 27. May 2019BTC$8.823,00 10.65%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The past year of Robinhood is like a roller coaster ride. Mid-2018, the star for the Californian Start-rails-to stand up to be very promising. By using investors money, and the promise of free crypto Accounts managed by the stock exchange, to shoot their value to record highs of 5.6 billion US $ [5 billion]. On the success of the abrupt fall followed, however. Doubts as to the operating ethos of the stock market increased, Marketing initiatives, new Banking products failed.

Now it seems to go up: according to rumors you will be happy to Robinhood this day a huge cash injection. As the US economy news Bloomberg last Friday, the 24. In may, reports to investors currently hold fresh funds of up to 200 million dollars [180 million Euro] ready. According to the report, the new capital is to come from the pockets of already with Robinhood more familiar to investors. Here, Bloomberg is relying on up to now unnamed sources.

Robinhood-Insider hope for an Explosion in the market value of

Even if the concrete sum, and further Details of which are pending, could catapult the donor Robinhood with the financial injection has a market value of seven to eight billion dollars [6.25 to nearly EUR 7 billion]. Insiders, according to Bloomberg, even a jump in Value up to ten billion US dollars [approximately EUR 9 billion], should increase Robinhoods market value until the contract is written on.

The hour is to continue the conversations, however, for the time being. An official Statement from Robinhoods is currently not available.

With his offer of a free Trading App Robinhood succeeded in the past years, first of all, a true high-altitude flight. A damper was added to the company, however the public charge, to conceal his sale of transaction data to third parties. While such a disclosure in the industry is for market research purposes and would, critics accused the stock exchange, however, obfuscation. Doubt about the insurance cover of its so-called Cash-Management App has led, in turn, that Robinhood had to take the product temporarily from the market.

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