the In the Ethereum network are to be expected in the next few weeks further progress. The Code for the Proof-of-Work algorithm, is nearing completion. The goal is to update the Ethereum network to the next level.

Sebastian wood
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As of the 2. In may, it was announced in a telephone conference of the Ethereum developers, the Code for the first Phase of the conversion of Ethereum on the Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism (PoS), up to 30. June will be completed. Justin Drake, one of the most famous Ethereum researchers have expressed concern that the development of the code will be completed by the end of June. Drake also pointed out that the developers are able to simplify the Code currently only and by the end of the month after the last mistakes. Ethereum is currently on the way to update his network on Ethereum 2.0.

Sharding comes with Udpdate

Vitalik Buterin, Co-Founder of Ethereum, stressed in a recent Interview on the Ethereum-conference “ETHCapetown” that, in addition to the conversion of the network in a Proof-of-Work, the second part of the improvement in the Sharding technology. Sharding is supposed to bring, according to Buterin massive improvement in the scalability of transactions in the network. Buterin is of the opinion that to achieve Sharding, network scalability by a factor of 1,000. The Sharding technology, however, should be in the final two stages of the Ethereum 2.0 Rollouts. The first Phase, “Phase Zero”, the new Proof-of-Stake Blockchain of Ethereum.

Proof-of-Work (PoW) vs. Proof of Stake (PoS)

The Proof-of-Work method allows the miners, for the solution of cryptographic a reward riddles in the respective crypto to get monetary paid out. The solution to the puzzle is generated then a new Block that includes all of the transactions in the period between the two block finds. In the case of PoS, this mystery fall away, however. Because In Proof of Stake small amounts of the crypto-currency will be retained in a Wallet and the Staking operation is unlocked. With the entirety of the gestakten shares of each part validated the participating User transactions, which handles the Blockchain then. In return, each investor receives an amount x (Reward) for the gestakte amount of Coins.

PoW is still the most popular consensus algorithm

in Short, the PoW seems to be the algorithm that is currently probably the most popular method to Solve complex cryptographic tasks. During this, however, is relatively time – and cost-intensive looks, is to minimize the Proof-of-Stake-algorithm is the alleged high power consumption and the risk of 51% attacks. Proof-of-Stake systems are struggling, however, often with an unfair distribution of Rewards and a minimum for distributions. Were discussed both Algorithms recently in the Podcast.

Ethereum in front of a Golden future?

Meanwhile, seems to win the project to popularity. According to a recent report from ConsenSys, are constructed, for example, of the 20 most important dApp projects 16 on Ethereum. Also in terms of partnerships and Use Cases Ethereum made in the last few months, significant progress. Recently integrated Amazon Ethereum for its Web Service (AWS). But also the standardization organization for Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, which includes heavyweights such as Accenture, EY, J. P. Morgan Chase, ConsenSys, Intel, Microsoft, and IBM, seems to be the steady growth to the delight of partners.

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