the just in time for world password day have announced the two companies cash link and Upvest their cooperation. The aim of the partnership is to make investments in digital securities on the Blockchain an intuitive matter.

By Christopher clover
At the 2. May 2019BTC$5.474,00 2.74%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

It should have by now talked about that the loss of a Private key, in most cases, the currencies of a loss of secure Crypto. For example, three to four million in Bitcoin apply according to estimates, as irretrievably lost. A remarkable value, when you consider that the Bitcoin number is 21 million limited – language Nakamoto. A circumstance so you should not be only in the face of today’s world-password-Tags always aware of it.

This high level of self-responsibility some of the crypto-curious Investor, deters so before investing in digital Assets. Through the cooperation of the company cash link and Upvest the investment in the Security Token, & co. should be more intuitive now. So, in the area of Venture Capital, which is active FinTech companies cash link has integrated the Software-as-a-Service solutions to the Blockchain-Start-ups Upvest.

password lost? No Problem.

users now have on the front end of the cash link, the possibility of a crypto-Wallet in Upvest. This access is by means of a user name and password. The custody of the Private Key is hardware-backed up on an external Server. Neither cash link and Upvest nor any third parties access to the Private Key.

if, despite all precautions, the password is lost, the Wallet password, which can easily be reset. In order to ensure that only the rightful Wallet-holder is in no position, cash link each user with a security certificate. This process is the identification of the user at cash link possible.

Through the use of Upvest we provide professional investors with a simple and intuitive access to digital securities. Access to a Blockchain Wallet is for the first time as easy as the access to the E-Mail mailbox, the user name and password

happy cash link Co-Founder and CEO, Lars Olsson in a press release, the BTC-ECHO, about the cooperation.

For Upvest-CFO Tobias Auferoth the partnership means a reduction in the entry threshold for investors, wishing to participate in the Security Token Offerings:

We are pleased to have with cash link a Partner, of the power to raise capital for the company through block chain-based Security Token Offerings easy to use the technology contributes and so the Blockchain Ecosystem, significantly more developed,

you can Auferoth in the press release quote.

Both cash link, as well as Upvest are founding members of the International Token Standardization Association, member of by the way, also BTC-ECHO.

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