With the recent rate rises have sprouted again in the hope that the ground would be reached. This can be actually confirmed? Not all Bitcoin enthusiasts share this opinion.

Dr. Philipp Giese
28. April 2019BTC$5.267,00 -0.02%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Looking through the virtual forest of leaves, sometimes produces the impression of a very simple knitted world. Those who believe in Bitcoin, of course, on the side of the cops. The floor is by steps and we can all rejoice about the coming bull market.

From this assumption, certain that every bear would be a Bitcoin critic. Think long-term, you can agree to the of course: anyone Who thinks that Bitcoin is rat poison, which would fall back to Zero, would be to represent certainly bearish views on the Bitcoin price.

However, as the world is, in the short to medium term knitted? Every Bitcoin Fan is the Belief that the bottom has been reached?

a good week Before a discussion between different Bitcoin took place on this topic-enthusiasts. Tone Vays discussed with Leah Wald and Tyler Jenks of Lucid Investment Strategies, Venzen Khaosan of crypto currents, Murad Mahmudov, Willy Woo, David Puell, and finally, Tuur Demester, the latter of Adamant Capital. Those who have a lot of time, put the entire discussion to the heart:

Has Bitcoin Bottomed? – Let’s Debate!

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Position The bullish to the average reader. It is Hopium, be it the quite legitimate reasons with respect to a reaching of the soil – undoubtedly there are good reasons for a bullish Position.

Four of the Debating that took this Position. It is notable that the main arguments on charts or On-Chain-based analysis. Only Tuur Demester spoke to some of the fundamental reasons for a Pass of the soil.

values to new heights

A very common Argument is represented by Murad Mahmudov: The Bitcoin price managed to bounce off a key moving average and a second well-known rise:

In the above weekly chart, the mechanical, in addition to the Bitcoin exchange rate averages for about 50 days (orange, specifically, 7 weeks), 200 days (purple, specifically, 30 weeks) and 200 weeks (blue). Three things lead to the bullish forecast:

The Bitcoin price managed to bounce off as in the bear market of 2015 at the average of the last 200 weeks.In addition, Bitcoin is recently on the sliding average of the last 200 days has increased.Finally, it came to the formation of a Golden cross of The moving average of the last 50 days increased over the last 200 days.

These arguments can add To a representative of the cops can hypothesis on the here, too, often featured floating point average of the last 20 weeks.

Beyond the sliding mean values can point to other positive developments: The MACD is not rising, also the RSI is below 50. Finally, the Aroon Up indicator is for the first Time since the end of 2017. The indicators are so bullish language.

Also on the daily chart level, it can be argued that the bottom is behind us. Dave Puell reasoned his bullish assessment using a variety of metrics. Two of the RSI, and the width of the Bollinger band. The latter is a measure of the rate fluctuations and thus the volatility. The annual minimum of 2018 is not for him, the ground on the Basis of the bullish divergence between RSI and price:

While the price of Bitcoin was searching for a new Minimum, the RSI level to a new Minimum. In addition, the width of the Bollinger band shot in the Wake of the sell-off of the end of November. Both will be interpreted by Dave Puell as they Reach the ground.

On-Chain-metrics Bitcoins voices bullish

another angle of view will be represented by Willy Woo: we Look at the On-Chain activity, here cycles to detect. Particularly illustrative of the transaction, in this context, volume:

Within a bull market rises and falls in a bear market to a Minimum. As you can see from the figure above, the rising of this On-Chain volume for the end of 2018. This hypothesis suggests that the soil is reached.

Unrealized gains hope

signal A in March presented metrics are the unrealised gains. Tuur Demester of Adamant Capital looked at the difference between the market and the real capitalization. In addition, he divided the size by the market capitalization, which resulted in a total of the so-called Unrealized-P-L-Ratio. Above this size, the cyclical behaviour of the Bitcoin-investors:

The sign of this Ratio in response to the question to the floor: Is it positive, has been reached the soil.

For Tuur Demester, this Ratio is one of the reasons for his bullish forecast, the Ratio to the rate increase from 2. April, but in the positive range, are on the rise.

warning: bears are coming

After so much bullish estimates, see the bottom now, we will now consider the antithesis. Because not everyone is of this opinion. One only has to look in the direction of Nouriel Roubini or Warren Buffet, even among analysts, the Bitcoin is very open, there are skeptics who see the near future of Bitcoins rather bearish. The analysis bearisher estimates of Bitcoin supporters is helpful, it does not help you, however, to follow only excited Hopium and a long-term perspective. Let us, therefore, what speaks against a Reach of the soil.

The market is not a grown-up

An Argument is completely detached from Charts. The hopes for an institutional adaptation of Bitcoins, how they are reflected in the Report of Tuur Demester and Adamant Capital, are not able to share Leah Wald and Tyler Jenks. So far, no real adaptation is to be done in the case of large institutional investors. Fidelity, Goldman Sachs, J. P. Morgan Chase decorate your view with the subject of crypto, and more. A large Problem is the incredible amount of Altcoins is in their opinion.

With the plethora of Shitcoins the crypto-market will stay in the League. In addition, the question of why institutional investors are coming in the crypto market place? The regulatory implications are still unclear. Besides, the Drama has to Tether to hacked Exchanges or the controverse to QuadrigaCX, how immature the market is. Money can also be used on the traditional markets deserve. For a Store of Value, you can use Bonds, and the like, while traders can also trade on traditional markets.

as Long as the market is a Investment for investors is still so immature and consequently uncertain, stay Leah Wald and Tyler Jenks bearish with respect to the Narrative of institutional adaptation. For this necessary maturity, the market would have to fall deeper, so that there will be a shakeout.

Are values really so clear?

above the plain were the mean values mentioned. Yes, the price of Bitcoin is on the sliding mean values of the last 200 days and the last 20 weeks risen sharply. Yes, it came to a Golden Cross between the MA50 and the MA200 on the daily chart. But the latter continues to fall. Not a few analysts, including Tyler Jenks, see it as another lot of bids due soon Sentiment.

Really understand this assessment. That is an average of the last 200 days is not increasing in the recent market situation, with all due respect, is a truism. The Golden cross between the MA200 and MA50 on the daily chart shows also that a certain degree of sustainability already exists.

However, a moving average is just a note. A little this is in line with what we always said about the MA20 in the weekly chart: It is not enough that the price rises briefly above the same. The need for a longer-term Rest of the course above this important moving average.

Bitcoin at the end of a Hyper wave?

A forecast is particularly bearish. Tyler Jenks analyses markets on the Basis of large trend movements, which he calls Hyper waves. Hyper-waves are large blisters, which can be observed in various asset classes. For Bitcoin, this Hyper wave looks as follows:

There are seven lines for seven-phases within such a Wave. It starts with a long sideways movement, which can measure up to the previous Maximum (1). After a course is gaining more and more journey (2-4), breaks in the pursuit of higher rates at some point abruptly (5). A little bit of the market, which will keep upward movement (6), which however does not change the General decay of the bubble tries (7).

With the dramatic price fall of the November 2018 under the step of the Bitcoin exchange rate an important, by Phase 2 of the defined Support. This decline is anticipated in the Tyler – spite of the current upward movement, of a further price fall to Level of Phase 1. Say: For him, the true ground is 1,000 US dollars.


as far as the bullish and bearish assessments. Cynics might say that it goes either up or down. So far, So uninteresting.

on closer inspection, it is striking that, perhaps unconsciously, the different parties to the ground to define different. Tyler Jenks says that a Exceed the moving average value of the last 200 days is not sufficient to detect a bottom, while Murad Mahmudov sees exactly this as the first signs of it. What Tyler ultimately makes only carefully, can be a Crossing of the MA200 – chart similar to the us, often considered the MA20 in the Week – only of a temporary nature. Only when these moving averages and a trend reversal is to see and rise again, one can speak of a sustainable price trend upwards.

Similar can say to the debate on fundamental values of: Leah woods, undoubtedly enough that on the part of J. P. Morgan Chase and other much Marketing-talk to the market. The talk to Bakkt not, has already led to a Bakkt. SEC”answers” on the ETF applications are slowly Running Gags of the crypto-scene, and the like can be shallow Announcements from the financial sector. And yet, it is interesting that Bitcoin, Blockchain and crypto-currencies in the meantime, for commonly used Marketing phrases used. It shows that the institutional investors take the crypto currencies, at least for serious. Such interest can be a start. The views are complementary, which all unites in this discussion, is that they are in the long term about Bitcoin is very bullish.

Et tu, BTC-ECHO? Evaluation on the Basis of DVAV

with Respect to a recently presented metric we need to conclude the article, unfortunately, a little bear. In March, we have not presented on BTC-ECHO, only the Delta-capitalization, but on the Basis of a Ratio developed. The ratio between Delta-capitalization and the average capitalization was especially interesting. You could see that the Reach of the soil with a fall of the DVAV Ratio fell below 2. Currently, however, this is still about the two:

The views of the DVAV is a bit of a counter-argument with regard to the On-Chain-arguments by Willy Woo and Dave Puell. The Delta-capitalization involves the so-called real capitalization. This multiplies differently than the market capitalization of the Bitcoin rate, not the entire Supply, but with the sum of all of the respective time of moving Coins. The oldest Bitcoin are according to this view, zero dollars, while since January of 2018, holding the Token would still contribute about $ 10,000 to the real capitalization. It will be so considered, indirectly, On Chain dynamics.

According to the DVAV-Ratio, we find ourselves in a similar Situation as of the end of 2014. At that time, there was a Shareout. The price increases between the 5. October and the 14. November 2014 turned out to be a Bull Trap and the price dropped again dramatically in the basement.

as far as a warning. Investors should, however, think the Bitcoin over the long term. In the regard, investors should not even go to the ground search, but, as we have stressed time and again, the technical foundations of bitcoin to keep an eye and see that there is still a lot of doing. Bitcoin has incredible disruptive potential, and it is probably the needle, because the square end of bubble, in order to remain in the article image.

Which of these different forecasts may be true, it will show. Up to the end of the floor and up to new heights long-term investors can strengthen inexpensive their Bitcoin Position. Dollar-Cost-Averaging for this. And traders can already beat from the movements of Bitcoin exchange rate in one direction or the other Profit.

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