the trust token is introducing four new stablecoins. You will be in the course of the year, available on the market. The company promises to cover the Coins with different national currencies. In order to win the trust of customers, trust token on transparency. So it wants to differentiate themselves, especially from the Tether.

By Anton Livshits
On the 25. April 2019BTC$5.450,00 -0.23%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Stable Coins are available for the Quantum of security in the turbulent crypto-market. This makes them an interesting Option for many investors. The TrueUSD-provider trust token expanded so now its product portfolio. The company raises this year, four new Stable Coins on the market. Accordingly, the trust token want currencies of all the stable value Crypto pair of currencies one-to-one to different country.

The beginning of TrueAUD. Like a blog post, the Australian Dollar-knotted Token is now available. In the second quarter of the year with TrueEUR and TrueCAD two of the more Stable Coins will follow. Here, too, trust token promises to be a direct peg to the Euro and the Canadian Dollar. Finally, the company will bring with TrueHKD in the further course of the year, a fourth Token on the market. As a partner currency is the Hong Kong Dollar is used here. All of the new Coins can be purchased through the company’s own App of the trust token. In this case, no transaction costs.

trust token is transparency

in Order to secure the success of the new Coins, said trust token, however, several confidence-building measures:

TrueAUD follows similar legal and technical Standards, such as TrueUSD, with the Security Deposit of funds held on the escrow account of a third party, as well as periodic certifications of the underlying funds, issued by an external audit firm, Cohen & co. As another sign of transparency, we have recently made a partnership with Armanino, one of the 20 leading accounting firms, announced that in order to receive a real time confirmation of coverage of all of the trust token-Stable-Coin products.

trust token to bring the transparency as a Central selling point. In order to differentiate themselves probably mainly of Tether. The leading Stable Coin, however, brought it in last time again and again in the criticism. The doubts as to the actual coverage of the Tokens are piling up. Trust token promises to break new ground. In this context, the announced real-time inspection system, is especially promising. BTC-ECHO reported this already in more detail.

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