the In the past 24 hours, the crypto-market is up again properly. In particular, Bitcoin has performed above average; just under five percent of the crypto-currency no 1 to put in just a day. Bitcoin is now trading hour at 5.530 US Dollar. Why is the fundamental point of data to the North, and what is the course to do profits with the upcoming Coinbase Reward Halving.

23. April 2019BTC$5.567,00 , 4.51%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Bitcoin is about US $ 5500. Those who are already longer, will remember: This value is the largest crypto-currency reached a market capitalization for the last time in October 2017. Thus, the price of Bitcoin since the beginning of the year to a whopping 45 percent quicker – this calls for a bull market.

BTC-price gains since the beginning of the year

in Particular, in the last three months performed Bitcoin apparently. To chief analyst Dr. Philipp Giese:

[…] the price of Bitcoin performs so well as already long not more. After a Pullback in January, all three of the following month candles are green. If the price of Bitcoin finishing the April over 4,100 US dollars, that would be the first of the three green soldiers since the end of 2017.

Bitcoin Price development since December 2015

But it is not just BTC is convinced. Finally, the Top 10 Coins, investors give the Bank the green candle, and so takes it not surprising that the market capitalisation, with nearly 185 billion dollars is 3.7 percent higher than 24 hours ago.

What are the backgrounds of the latest rate increase?

Reward Halving priced in a

bitcoin historical Rate, and path pattern of cycles detect. Finally, the last bear market was in the history of the crypto-currency is not a unique phenomenon, but has been repeated already for the third Time. With a maximum loss of 84 per cent compared to the all-time high in December 2017, the recent “recession” was once a record holder. In the period November 2013 to January 2015, BTC lost by a whopping 87 percent of their value.

The first insight is the following: Bear-Bull cycles are the typical history of Bitcoin. How do we know that the recent correction is been through?

For this we can draw a model to consult, market analyst @100trillionUSD launched for quite some time via Twitter. The speech is from the so-called Stock-to-Flow model. Broadly speaking, we can model the cyclical history of the Bitcoin exchange rate on the basis of data from the past is well. The theory is that we need to consider only the ratio of existing Supply (Stock) for the year add amount (Flow). The Stock-to-Flow-Rate for Bitcoin is not fed, however, only data from the past, but also for the future quite accurately estimated. Finally, the emitted amount of money in the Code of Bitcoin is written to the Protocol; currently, exactly to 12.5 BTC will be added to the existing Stock every ten minutes.

This leads to a current Stock-to-Flow-Rate (SF) of 25 (17.5 million BTC per year, and 0.7 million to be added = SF 25). So, Bitcoin is, in terms of the scarcity of silver comparable to that after the next Reward Halving (every four years, the Coinbase Reward decreases per Block of 50 per cent) is the SF Rate 50 and is thus almost as high as that of Gold. The higher the SF Rate, the scarcer the Good.

It can be loud @100trillionUSD a model price can be derived (here shown in grey). As you can easily see rose in the Bitcoin price, in anticipation of the next Block-Reward-halving. The next Halving is scheduled for may 2020.

SF-Rate for various precious metals. The SF-Rate of BTC is 25 slightly higher than that of silver.

in Short: bitcoin Supply is finite; the Cap of 21 million Coins and the Reward Halving every four years, make it probably the most scarce Asset in the history of mankind.

fundamental data of relevance

Accordingly, we are currently in a so-called Accumulation Phase. In anticipation of price increases in the Wake of a further shortage of supply, investors try to accumulate in the run-up Coins. Consequently, the recent price gains are less with rumors of a browser extension for Amazon-US-to do payments with BTC, but are more a consequence of the typical cyclic Bitcoin course history.

This is the latest report from Adamant Capital, an Investment company, confirms under the wing of Tuur Demeester. As a result, a bear market ends with the capitulation of Weak Hands, so that investors no longer believe because of the horrendous losses to BTC, and their possession of loathing sell.

This was, according to Demeester in December of 2018.

Disclaimer: The author holds Bitcoin. The data presented here are estimates of the author and the sources cited, and no purchase or sale recommendations.

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