the Following the rise of the crypto-market, the question is whether it makes sense to focus on individual crypto-currencies, or whether it is wiser, as many crypto-currencies in its Portfolio to map. Just like the egg hunt to Easter, the challenge is to let the rotten eggs and the Golden eggs to identify and put in his basket. Why next Easter could be held without Bitcoin experts and Bitcoin Gold and the search for the Golden crypto-eggs, more than ever, is worth it.

By Sven-servant to the
car On the 19. April 2019BTC$5.247,00 -0.30%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Nasty Surprises on the crypto-market have become less frequent, since then, the ICO-bubble has burst in the beginning of 2018. The crypto-projects to the front ranks seem more substantial than last Easter. However, it has been made just in the last few days, one of the Top crypto-currencies is comparatively unpopular. Crypto-investors that have bet on Bitcoin SV, you are out of luck the day: over 90 US dollars at the beginning of April to around US $ 55 in just two weeks. The quarrels of the mind behind Bitcoin, SV, Craig Wright, and the downstream delisting from the major crypto-exchanges like Kraken or Binance have crashed the Bitcoin descendant in a serious crisis. The other Bitcoin-Hard-Fork-crypto-currencies were able to benefit from the crisis, by it came to avoidance or escape movements, however, should be of short duration.

Next Easter without Bitcoin Gold and Bitcoin SV?

Currently three Bitcoin derivatives are in the Top 30 according to market capitalization. In the front of the Bitcoin Cash is on place four, followed by Bitcoin SV in 14th place and finally Bitcoin is Gold on the 27th. Not every Egg from the outside is golden, it is also under the surface. An allegory that applies to Bitcoin Gold, the fundamental value is more than questionable.

On the question of why the Bitcoin Gold for the long term, it should also prevail only in a niche, is difficult to answer. Although Bitcoin is not mined Gold via special ASIC Miner, but to classic graphic cards. This unique feature is not expected to be sufficient to keep an otherwise stagnant project in the Top 30 on the resurrection is very little to suggest just. It would not surprise if Easter 2020 takes place without Bitcoin experts and Bitcoin’s Gold in the Top 30. While Bitcoin SV active self-decomposed, is Bitcoin the Gold in the absolute standstill.

And Bitcoin Cash? The largest descendant of Bitcoin is massively in the criticism. However, there is a large Community that drives the project forward. Fundamental in terms of scaling of good reasons, which justify, in contrast to Bitcoin experts and Bitcoin, Gold is at least an existence in the front ranks. If you want to place a Bitcoin Cash in his basket, it remains a question of your own crypto-ideology. The debate, what are the requirements for a crypto-currency, is, as before, led to strong emotional and little rational.

The Golden crypto-eggs

In the last few months and weeks there were a number of crypto projects with a fantastic Performance. Crypto-investors with the right instincts, can look forward to a hefty price increase since the beginning of the year. Despite the high correlation of the crypto, it would not be wrong to make the search of the Golden crypto-Ei currencies. The differentiation of the crypto-market is progressing. Alone in the Top 10, several of these Golden eggs you can find.

So, it has managed the Binance Coin is the first cryptocurrency in the Top 10, to fight back close to the all-time high of 2018. With currently around 21 US dollars, the Coin is only around three US dollars from the all-time high of 12. January 2018. So close it has still managed no crypto-currency from the front ranks to the historical all-time high.

During the whole of the market since the 1. January 2019 to nearly 40 percent, have some of the Top 10 crypto-currencies even more than double. It should be Bitcoin, Cash, with around 100 per cent, Litecoin with around 160 percent, or the high-Flyer Binance Coin with over 230 percent. A Performance, as is the case in other Asset classes. The egg hunt or the crypto-Asset-Picking can lead to very good yields. It’s worth it, with open eyes, the crypto-market deduction lawn to find the more or less hidden Golden eggs.

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