the Stable-Coins are an integral part of the crypto-cosmos. For a Trader, you are excellent for you to price hedge losses with Fiat money, without the need for the “crypto world”. This saves you the fees and the process is much faster than in the case of crypto-Fiat exchange pairs.

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What is the Stable Coins there are, how they differ from each other? These five stablecoins should be aware of investors.

1. Tether (USDT)

With a current daily trading volume of over 25 billion US dollars in currencies is to Tether (USDT) the horse under the stable value Crypto. However, hardly a Stable Coin has made in the last time more often in the headlines, as USDT. Finally, the promised collateral for the Tether was considered with a Dollar than questionable. It is now clear: USDT is not covered 100 percent by physical US dollars, but at least by a basket of other more or less liquid Asset.

Each Tether is always covered 100% by our reserves, the both traditional currencies and cash, as well as from time to time, other Assets. Also [count] receivable [receivables] of loans, the Tether to a third party [out there]. This, in turn, may be sister companies […]. Each Tether is also 1:1 to the US Dollar bound. Each of USDT will be counted from the Tether so as USD.

in Spite of everything, a USDT is for quite some time, sufficiently reliably to the target of a US Dollar.

2. Paxos Standard (PAX)

Since the Launch in October of 2018, PAX is similar to precisely on the target value of a Dollar. Paxos Standard is – in contrast to USDT, that operates a Token on the Omni Layer, ERC20 -, so it runs on the Ethereum block Chain.

investors should retain Paxos. Finally, the company is driving innovations, such as Security-Token-projects ambitious.

a Stable Coin on a gold basis would emit Paxos this year.

3. Digix Gold (DGX)

The Paxos-Gold-Stable-Coin would not, however, the first stable crypto-currency, the famous precious metal as the base asset picked out. According to the Website, a unit Digix Gold (DGX) is equivalent to a gram of Gold.

Chart of DGX since June 2018.

you look at the Chart on Coinmarketcap, there seems to be, in fact, value parity with Gold. The fluctuations are subject to the natural volatility of the chosen base Assets. The DGX is a Token, a digital picture from the precious metal Gold; investors can fill your Portfolio accordingly, with the Gold, without the need for the Asset itself.

4. TrueUSD (TUSD)

Also TrueUSD – the Name says it all – is bound to the world’s reserve currency, the US Dollar. However, it might be worthwhile for investors with a view to TUSD. Because of how the company communicates, are stored in the physical US dollars on an intransparent company account, but on a so-called Escrow Account on Smart-Contract Basis. So the company wants to prevent that play fast and loose with the Funds.

And that, apparently with success. TUSD is for one year at a price of US $ 1, with individual outliers, as the Chart shows.

5. Dai (DAI)

DAI comes from the house of MakerDAO and is a Stable Coin. Because instead of physical Assets from the Fiat world to Deposit currencies, investors in Crypto. These are backed up by a Smart Contract until investors trigger back against the disbursed DAI Token. The crypto-Assets serve as a Collateral (to German: Pfandbrief).

The advantage is that everything runs automatically via Smart Contracts. Investors need to trust any middle-man.

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