the Non-Profit Organisation Blockchain Transparency Institute (BTI) has published its April Report on the situation of the crypto-markets. After that Wash Trading is under Bitcoin exchanges still virulent. The BTI wants to animate with the quality seal “BTI Verified” the crypto-Exchanges, now self-regulation.

By Christopher clover
12. April 2019BTC$5.057,42 -0.12%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Wash Trading – the simultaneous purchase and sale of Assets through Bitcoin exchanges – is still a widespread Problem in the crypto-market. Many – including large – crypto-Exchanges, use of the Agent, the trade volumes inflate on their platforms artificially. Many of the on Coinmarketcap (CMC) listed Bitcoin exchanges in the Wash-Trading-share trading volume of more than 99 percent. According to the April Report of the Blockchain-Transparency Insititute.

CMC’s Top 15 stock exchanges: Wash Trading is more the rule than the exception | source: Blockchain Transparency Institute

As you can see from the data of BTI that is the sinners, not just a small Bitcoin Exchanges. So OKEx and HitBTC are one of the more well-known names in the industry, thanks in part to its supposedly high trading volumes.

The BTI connect through the lights for quite some time, the transactions on the Bitcoin exchanges, and is as follows:

Our Algorithms via their public API and Websocket Connections with the exchanges. Trades are analyzed, and these reports are sent to the stock exchanges to investigate the accounts that make these Trades. If there is a Problem with the API of a stock exchange or they are not responding to us […], we will use our old methodology for the analysis of anomalies in the order book, liquidity and volume patterns, anomalies, until we get access to analyze the stock market properly and to check volumes.

BTI Verified – a new seal of approval

From the collected data, the researchers have drawn up a list of your own. With the “real” trading volumes, says the BTI:

-Adjusted the table of the largest Bitcoin exchanges by trading volume (excerpt) | source: Blockchain Transparency Institute

In the BTI, “the BTI Verified has created” a kind of quality seal for Bitcoin exchanges. As you can see, it is on the home page of BTI. What can you see in addition: Neither Binance still Bitfinex can download “staple BTI Verified” to the lapel. The BTI on the basis that it had calculated for the two Exchanges, a Wash-Trading share of over ten percent:

We will verify each stock exchange which has a Wash Trading [proportion] of under ten percent, without that individual couples have a Wash Trading [share] of about 15 percent, regardless of the monitoring method, which is used for this purpose.

would be So on Binance trade with major crypto-currencies as clean as possible. 85 to 90 percent of the trading volume on Binance be authentic. However, there are 30 pairs in which Wash Trading 25 to 75 percent of the volume. Similarly, Bitfinex: 87 to 90 per cent of the total trade were “clean”, in the case of the Top trading pairs, this value is 97 percent. For both Bitcoin exchanges is yet to be verified, whether or not they receive the seal of approval.

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