the The German Tech-VC The Next Big Thing AG was able to secure a Series A Funding of twelve million euros. The main investor is the insurer, HDI Global SE. Also the Block.One-initiated venture capital funds, EOS VC has been involved in the investment.

By Christopher clover
10. April 2019TeilenFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

The Name should be program with The Next Big Thing AG (NBT): The company wants to combine disruptive technologies such as Blockchain, or the Internet of things (IoT) with innovative business models, and so “the next big thing” created.

the Blockchain and IoT: the future of The industry

NBT sees itself as an incubator, innovation Hub and think tank. NBT have now succeeded, investors, funds in the amount of twelve million euros to collect. The Berlin-based company announced on 8. April, in a press release known. Founder and CEO, Harald Zapp points to the as evidence of a strong interest of the investors page at Blockchain and IoT:

IoT and Blockchain technologies, which will determine the future of the industries in Germany and Europe. Investments such as these prove that the industry recognizes this. If you do not act now, you will get to run soon after the competition.

As the main investor in the Series A Funding of the insurer, HDI Global SE. HDI-Board of management member Dr. Thomas Kuhnt also emphasizes the potential of these technologies for the insurance sector:

data-driven models in the sector, industry, insurance is increasingly important. This market we want to make active.

NBT-chief of Zapp, adds:

Exciting is the development of completely new Machine-Economy-Services, in which by means of Smart Contracting, and Artificial intelligence, new insurance offerings, without intermediate human interaction.

one of the investors game, EOS VC was also, of Block.One established and maintained VC funds. EOS VC focused exclusively on developers and companies that build Blockchain applications for EOSIO.

the NBT supports, for its part, already has a handful of Blockchain and IoT Ventures, the Portfolio ranges from Supply Chain Management (Evertrave) to “intelligent incontinence solutions” (AssistMe).

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