the “The richest man in Russia”, metal magnate Vladimir Potanin, said in an Interview his plans for the Tokenization of the precious metal Palladium. In addition to other crypto-projects of the entrepreneurs, Token wants to produce from a Swiss Fund. The expansion of activities to other metals, it does not exclude.

Polina Khubbeeva
On 29. March 2019BTC$4.115,35 2.03%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Vladimir Potanin is the head of MMC Norilsk PJSC, the world’s largest producers of Palladium. As head of the Mega-group Potanin Multi-billionaire and stands with an estimated fortune of 15.4 billion US dollars, ranked 60th of the richest people in the world.

Potanin said on 27. To call March, in an Interview with Bloomberg in Moscow with his plans, until the end of the year 2019, several crypto-platforms. Among other things, he endeavours to establish the trading of Palladium on the Token. For this purpose, the Oligarch leads, among other things, discussions with the Swiss authorities, which deal with the restitution of the Token from its Palladium Fund.

The Tokenization of metals

can imagine Potanin, the concept to other metals. Finally, his company is involved in the business with copper and Nickel strong.

The people are using more and more decentralised networks and platforms, which have no Supreme controller. We want to be active participants of this process,

he said in view of the benefits of trading digital tokens.

The Trend towards Tokenization of many goods continues and the company achieved the peaks of global industry. So, too, the Overstock-daughter tZero, for example, works on the Tokenization of precious metals and rare earths.

no Matter whether it is copper or cobalt, the increasing Tokenization of our environment brings many benefits, but must also be viewed with a healthy skepticism. The universal applicability and the acceleration of the financialisation processes reaches far into the daily lives of citizens.

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