the Today, on the 26. March, Huobi Prime. The Initial Exchange Offering-project is in direct competition to the Binance launch pad.

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so Far, the business model, the Initial Exchange Offerings (IEO), which took on the Binance Launchpad its origin was looking to be the same. Now competition from Singapore.

unlike Binance Huobi baptizes his Token-Launch-platform Direct Premium Offering, short DPO. Under the hood, the stock market is characterized, however, a comparable business model: the Coin run Offerings only via the native Huobi Token (HT) and a Screening of the reduction in viable Investments promises.

TOP Network makes the Premiere

Huobi users can look forward to already on the first Investment Case. According to the press release, the TOP Network, a dApp project in the lap of Silicon Valley, to make the beginning.

Why the choice exactly on this Blockchain project, explains Ross Zhang, marketing Director of Huobi, one of the following:

Although we had a number of really strong candidates for the Start of Huobi Prime, we were very impressed by the ambitious business model of the TOP Network and the fact that it is the first really powerful Public Blockchain will be with an already existing user base in the millions.

response to launch pad

The step should hang with the great success of the competition project from the house of Binance. The native Token of the largest Bitcoin exchange in the world ranks with a market capitalization of 2.44 billion dollars these days in place of seven of the most important crypto-currencies on CoinGecko. This is not least due to the fact that on the Launchpad, it will only use BNB invested.

So taking it is not surprising that also other stock exchanges intend to jump up on the IEO-train.

Almost every Exchange is talking about the means to replicate the success [of the Binance] launch pad; some of the Exchange has launched their Version already.

Whether the current market dominance of Binance of the cake to divide is debatable. The advantage of the Launchpad is in terms of liquidity and volume of trade tremendously well which is reflected in the steep growth of NBB.

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