the The new Zealand Bitcoin exchange-Cryptopia announced the re-opening of their trading platform. After a hacker attack in January 2019, the customers were not able to access it for a week on their Accounts. The damage caused by the stolen Coins was substantial. Now the stock exchange with 40 trading pairs online again.

Brigitte Bernhardt
22. March 2019BTC$3.987,19 -0.01%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

now in crypto-circles is known, fell Cryptopia at the beginning of the year 2019 a hacker attack to the victim. We reported on the operations. 14. January, the new Zealand Bitcoin exchange, went into maintenance mode. A day later, the company announced that a security vulnerability was discovered and reported substantial losses. In the meantime, it has turned out that already since the 13th century. January there had been suspicious transactions. Also officially it was today, on the 22. March, that Ether and ERC20-Token to the value of around 16 million US lack of dollars.


Via Twitter limited Cryptopia announced that the Homepage from the 4. March’d at least go in the reading mode back online. A little later, customers were able to delete via the Website pending orders. Shortly thereafter the company informed that the Support has started to process requests to Change passwords and 2FAs.

In a recent Post from the 19. March, tweeted the Team now:

Update: We have added the trading 40 trading pairs, we sole discretion, to be sure. We will expand this list as soon as we were able to clarify more Coins.

security vulnerabilities in Bitcoin exchange-Cryptopia

as pleasing As this sounds, a certain unease is likely to remain for many users. Because of the Cryptopia Hack differs according to the experts, of previously known attacks on Bitcoin exchanges. The number of the affected Wallets, with more than 76.000 unusually high. The attackers had access to thousands of Private Keys.

on The other Cryptopia could not prevent the attack has continued for several days after the discovery. The company apparently had no control over the affected Wallets. This suggests that Cryptopia kept all the Private Keys on a single Server.

An Overview of the currently on Cryptopia tradable Coins can be found here.

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