the the Ranking page for crypto currencies, has developed together with the German company Solactive AG, two new crypto-indices. This should come in Nasdaq GIDS, Bloomberg Terminals, Thomson Reuters Eikon and the Stuttgart stock exchange. The new indices are based on the market capitalization of the 200 largest crypto-currencies, once with, once without Bitcoin.

By Christopher clover
21. March 2019BTC$3.993,99 -1.28%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

CMC200 – this is the Name of one of the new crypto-indices, which are preparing a new scale for the assessment of the crypto market. The CMC200 of the Ranking page and the German Index-Creator Solactive. The Coinmarketcap gave on 20. March on his Blog.

The CMC200 is designed to reflect the 200 largest cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. In addition, developed Solactive with CMC200EX an Index, which is calculated from the values of the 200 largest crypto-currencies without Bitcoin. As a result, the Bitcoin domination, which, in turn, should help not applicable to the General crypto market situation more accurately.

The Ex-BTC Version of the Index is based on the representation of the General market conditions in the crypto-currency space while avoiding market distortions, due to the focus on currency Bitcoin, which has so far accounted for almost 51 percent of the total global trade volume,

it is stated in the press release of Solactive. The data basis for the compilation of the indices provides Coinmarketcap.

data from over 200 Bitcoin exchanges

the Ranking of the page combines data from over 200 crypto-exchanges. At the end of each calendar quarter, a new weighting of CMC200 and CMC200EX. Five days before the list of included crypto is updated currencies.

The ability to Coinmarketcap data access gives us the ability to develop custom indexes for new customers. The talks have already begun. We are looking forward to develop in the future other crypto-indices […],

Fabian Colin, Head of Sales at Solactive, says.

Similar to Coinmarketcap-CEO Brandon Chez is expressed in the press release of the Solactive:

These indexes are a better access to crypto-currency data in an easier-to-understand Format. In collaboration with Solactive, our selected index administrator, we hope that this professional will contribute to the calculated indices, the range of crypto-currencies on the major financial markets of to extend.

The indices are initially used by the Terminals Nasdaq GIDS, Bloomberg Terminals, Thomson Reuters Eikon and the Stuttgart stock exchange.

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