the Deutsche Börse is looking for the shoulder-to-shoulder with a number of Swiss companies, the Ecosystem for digital Assets to expand.

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Deutsche Börse invests in crypto-future

It pile up according to the news on the Expansion of infrastructure for institutional investors in this country. The Deutsche Börse, which also acts as a carrier of the Frankfurt stock exchange announced that they are working in collaboration with the Swiss Telecom service provider Swisscom, as well as the FinTech Sygnum on the Expansion of the Ecosystem for digital Assets.

“The continuation of our investment in new technologies and the further development of DLT [Distributed Ledger technology, Anm. d. Red.] is one of the focuses of Deutsche Börse group,“ says Jens Hachmeister, member of the Board of the DLT-Department of the Deutsche Börse, the shoulder-to-shoulder with the confederates in a joint press release.

the aim of the cooperation is to provide investors with a reliable and secure Ecosystem for investment in digital assets. Finally, the tokenization of Assets was to design “the next big step, digital assets, has the potential, the global financial markets move”. So it posted the message.

part of the strategy is also an investment in the Custodigit AG. As a joint spin-off from Swisscom and Sygnum the company has committed itself to the secure management of Digital Assets for institutional investors.

A holistic Ecosystem

The joint project may thus be understood as an “All-Inclusive” solution for investors, finally, is ensured for all the components of an infrastructure solution. There is access to liquidity by the Deutsche Börse, the provision of the Banking Service by Sygnum, and secure custody solutions by Custodigit.

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