the The U.S. Department of energy supports research projects addressing fossil fuels. A total of almost five billion US dollars will be spent on twelve projects in four categories – Blockchain included.

By Christopher clover
11. January 2019TeilenFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

the Blockchain technology and the energy industry can make a strong Team. This has been recognized in the United States. The office of fossil energy (FE) of the U.S. Department of energy counts Blockchain and other Distributed Ledger technologies (DLT) to the four areas of interest, which wants to promote with a total of 4.8 million US dollars. This is from a press release, the FE at the 7. January published. It is the use of the Blockchain in the area of fossil fuels should be further explored. In the wording it says in the message:

“cyber-safe Sensors for fossil power generation in The framework of this AOI [Area of Interest] of the selected projects will investigate new technologies (such as Blockchain and decentralized, Peer-to-Peer Internet protocols), the process signal back up data and other information flows within distributed sensor networks for fossil-based power generation systems.

in addition to the DLT should also be given to the application of novel analytical methods for the determination of arsenic and/or selenium concentration in fly ash waste from the coal combustion. Also for the modeling of existing challenges in the coal mining with the help of High-Performance Computing resources are provided. In the fourth place, the reuse of wastewater from coal-fired power plants.

From these four areas of interest, the FE would like to promote a total of twelve research projects. The Whole thing takes place in the framework of a FE-Initiative for the promotion of education and research. The Initiative aims to promote the scientific and technical talent in the field of fossil energies.

the technology of tomorrow for the energy sources of yesterday

The U.S. Department of energy is meanwhile, the first authority that wants to bring fossil fuels to the Blockchain. Similar efforts are in progress in the United Arab Emirates. A corresponding pilot project is in Abu Dhabi already, that the benefits of the DLT for the Oil industry to make use of it. A Blockchain platform to automate the Tracking, validation and execution of transactions for each link in the supply chain – from production to retail.

But progressive parts of the energy industry to discover the possibilities of Blockchain technology. An example is provided by the efforts of the Berlin-based Start-ups Lition, the renewable energies via Ethereum to the man or the woman wants to bring.