the Monero is already for a long time as a favorite Coin of Malware Miner. No other crypto currency is mined often “involuntarily” as XMR. An extensive analysis of the researcher Sergio Pastrana (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) and Guillermo Suarez (King’s College London) puts the proportion of illegally mined Moneroj, with more than 4.2 percent.

By Christopher clover
10. January 2019TeilenFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

Malware Miner like Monero. What makes on the first glance, the alarm bells are ringing, revealed on second glance, a “Privacy Coin” in its name. The largest value of Monero loose respect for the privacy of its owners is the promise of finally in the compromise. Unlike in the case of crypto-Primus Bitcoin XMR transactions are difficult to trace back. To do this, the fact that XMR-tokens are fungible. Thus, it is practically impossible that a single XMR-branded units, because they are, for example, associated with illegal activities.

fungibility and anonymity

Due to the fungibility of the Token and the disguised transaction history Monero is absolutely excellent for Malware Mining. When Malware is Mining it’s about computers or Smartphones infected with malicious software, the mine in the Background, Moneroj. Of course, this happens without the Knowledge of the Hardware owner. In order to increase the chances of getting a block reward, connecting infected devices to each other and connect them to a so-called Botnet. Malware Mining for a significant proportion of the circulating Moneroj responsible. A at 3. January study published by the researchers Sergio Pastrana (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) and Guillermo Suarez (King’s College, London) comes to the result that about 4.2 percent of the XMR-Token Malware Mining are sprung.

“Our profit analysis shows campaigns with millions in revenue and is associated with about 4.3 percent of Monero with illegal Mining.”

The researchers estimate that the illegal profits of around $ 57 million.

“Overall, we estimate that there are at least 2.218 active campaigns, which have collected about 720.000 XMR (57 million USD). “

A campaign has done this.

“interesting gemint way, only a single campaign […] more than 163.000 XMR (18 million USD), which accounts for about 23 percent of the estimated total. This campaign is at the time of writing, still active […]“

The Darkweb plays a Central role in the creation of Mining Botnets. The Mining has developed a veritable shadow economy. Users with low technical skills can easily acquire the services and Tools to create your own Mining campaign. In addition, a lively exchange of information takes place in the relevant forums.