the The journalism platform Civil to go in February to the Start – in spite of the in October failed Initial Coin Offering. Civil would like to draw the focus away from the Blockchain on your core business, journalism,. Nevertheless, the CVL plays the Token continues to have a role in Civil.

By Christopher clover
20. December 2018ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

Civil war had already announced it: It is not the failure of the Token Sale of the project to develop a block chain-based platform for journalists, to hold. After the ICO on 15. October run to reach the Soft Cap of eight million dollars, began Civil the causes. This Civil-founder Matthew Iles met with his Team, one of the partners (also Forbes), and consultants. At the end there was a Consensus that Civil war has neglected the journalistic aspect of the project in favor of a fixation on the Blockchain technology.

“the Civil war was never about ICOs and Token or even Blockchain. For us, it’s about community ownership, transparency and trust. We believe that journalism (and media in General) to compete in the field of crafts, but in the case of the infrastructure should work together. Technology is an important means to an end, but we gave you our message apply our experience to further complicate it and us from our core objectives to distract you. We will not make that mistake again“,

Matthew Iles announced after the failed Token Sale to Medium.

the Launch in February, including time-unlimited CVL Token Sale

Civil already in February 2019 on the market. In the App of the Civil Registry Newsroom network in a decentralized manner, thus forming a Community that manages itself. On the basis of a set of rules and journalistic Standards, the “Civil Constitution”. Also to be launched with the Civil Publisher, an Add-on for WordPress. Thus, Online journalists can put their content on the Ethereum block Chain.

In February, is to be sold in addition, the CVL-Token again, and for an unlimited time. There is neither a Soft nor Hard Cap, the CVL should not be sold until all of the 34 million tokens are the bottom people. The Token plays within the Civil-Ecosystem a Central role in the Governance:

“CVL-Token, the resources of the Civil Community are to vote, to make motions, to contest and to participate in discussions about journalism in the civil area,”

it is in the on 19. December published Roadmap. He also comes at the time of payment of journalistic content, of which no mention is made, however, was more.