The Ethereum Foundation to Vitalik Buterin grabs for the fourth Time, the financial injection. Thus, the Blockchain-research is to be missed a Cash injection in the amount of three million dollars.

As the Ethereum Foundation (EF) at the beginning of the year, your subsidy program for Ethereum developers announced, it should go exclusively to the funding of projects that address the scaling problem. It was decided, however, already in March, to complement the category of “skalierb work” the two areas of “usefulness” and “safety”. The category utility is related both to the improvement of the development environment for the Ethereum Developer (“DevEx Grant”), as well as optimizations for the end-consumer (“#buidl Grant). Also, interested developers will be offered “Hackternships”, in which ten weeks of a specific task and can devote. For 1,000 US dollars waving on a weekly basis.

In three “waves” has distributed the EF since the beginning of the year funds in the amount of eleven million dollars to developers-projects for the Ethereum Ecosystem. Meanwhile, the fourth round of Funding is completed. Three million dollars were distributed to a total of 20 projects. The corresponding EF was at 15. October, in an Update known.

scalability in the center point

The largest sum was, in accordance with the original Intention of the funding programme, in the category of scalability. With 420,000 US dollars, the lion’s share is attributable to the development of a Payment Channel Hubs. In addition to Kyokan and Connext is also the developer of the “Porn-Blockchain” spank chain with this task are employed. Manage the company until the developer conference, Devcon 4 at the end of October, the publication of a corresponding Software Development Kits (SDK), you will receive the money. Kyokan receives, however, in addition to $ 250,000 for the development of ready-to-use Plugins for Plasma. Plasma is a Second-Layer solution for Ethereum, along with Sharding, the Ethereum block Chain scalability.

“Hackternships” in the amount of $ 10,000 can look forward to the Developers, Elizabeth Binks, and Lindsey Gray.

in addition to the publication of the subsidy recipient, the EF has announced their “wish list” for the next payout round. In addition to the further development of projects already completed, in the waves one to four, are in “Wave V”, the topics of privacy and education on the program.

interested parties can inform themselves on the Blog of the Ethereum Foundation, on the terms and conditions of participation.