More than 300 volunteers from all over Andalusia have joined the ‘Andalucía Compromiso Digital’ initiative, which aims to make it easier for citizens to approach new technologies in a personalized way through digital volunteers, thanks to the ‘Donate your digital heart’ contest, launched within the framework of the celebration of International Volunteer Day on December 5.

According to the information collected by Europa Press, ‘Andalucía Compromiso Digital’ launched this initiative in order to publicize the activity of the project and attract new volunteers to carry it out. Thus, once the campaign ended, there have been a total of 314 new members who have joined the Andalusian network of digital volunteering, which already has some 1,700 volunteers.

The activity ‘Donate your digital heart’ has been addressed to the provincial coordination centers of the Digital Volunteer Network of Andalusia with the aim of achieving the involvement of the greatest number of volunteers in the search for new members for the project.

The nine project coordination centers have actively participated in this initiative, launching different activities during the month of December to attract “digital heart donors” with the support of their volunteers. Among other initiatives, campaigns have been developed abroad, open days, digital accompaniments in public places, celebration of technology days, creation of videos about the project, dissemination on social networks, among others.

The coordination center of the province of Malaga has been the winner of the contest, having valued not only the number of new members registered for the network, but also the dissemination activities carried out within the framework of the contest and their degree of involvement in the initiative.

All participating centers will receive a technological gift that will expand the resources for the development of their activity, and the winning center will also be awarded with the celebration of a group activity based on coexistence and leisure for all the volunteers who have participated. actively in the contest.

The volunteers of the project have played a key role in the campaign, sharing their own personal and professional experience in the Andalusian digital volunteer network and achieving the adherence to the project of all those people interested in joining the network and contributing with their support to build the Knowledge Society in Andalusia.

‘Andalucía Compromiso Digital’ is an initiative of the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science aimed at all citizens whose objective is to value the capacity of volunteering for the mobilization and transformation of society, through the use and exploitation of information and communication technologies (ICT).

This is a program that aims to provide citizens with a personalized approach to new technologies and show them how they can make their lives easier, at work, in their leisure time or for their personal development.

This solidarity network, active since 2008, already has more than 1,700 Andalusians who participate in the construction of the Knowledge Society in Andalusia through training accompaniments.