The IOTA Industry Marketplace in future is to connect people and machines to each other. The Foundation relies on an industry-wide Standard.

By Phillip Horch
21. September 2019BTC$9.980,17 -2.00%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

IOTA has searched using the Internet of things (IoT) is a promising field of application. When machines communicate with each other, so the idea is, you have to pay each other with the crypto-currency MIOTA.

to support this Use Case and to lay the Foundation for a Pay in the Internet of things, announced the Foundation behind the project at the 19. September, the Industry Marketplace on. Here is the “first Autonomous and decentralized virtual marketplace is to be created”. It is intended to provide a sector-neutral platform that automates the trade with Goods and services.

should, Accordingly, emerge through the Distributed Ledger technology is a combination of already existing Standards and open source projects. The following Features IOTA for the Industry Marketplace:

manufacturer – and industry-neutral, standardized communications, implementation of their own industry Standards (“Industry 4.0”.)on academic Standards-based language for distributed and open Protocol is a little system requirements for the open software integrated, decentralized identity, integrated payments with no transaction fees audit products

For the Standard of the Industry Marketplace are based, joined the IOTA Foundation in December 2018 with [email protected]. Whose roots again go back to the year 2000. Since then, the Association is composed of members such as Siemens, SAP, Bayer and E. ON. to industry Standards.

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Thorsten Kroke, Head of Digital Processes & Standards at [email protected]:

The industry marketplace is to solve the current problems in the creation of a common standard language for communication between Autonomous machines and systems. This is a key aspect of Industry 4.0, where a secure exchange of data without loss of key information for decision-making are basic requirements.

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recently, the Foundation announced the Start of Chronicles. With the implementation, it should be users of the technology in the future possible to browse its technological infrastructure, the Tangle,. To Chronicles works with so-called Permanodes. This, in turn, enable operators of network nodes, to store the transaction history of the network over a long period of time – and thus more Use Cases for the Tangle.


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