The United States Marshals Service (USMS) announces the sale of around 660 Bitcoin (BTC). A total of BTC are worth a total of about 4.25 million US dollars under the Hammer. The auction is to 5 schedule. November take place.

Bitcoin of the authority: the USMS informs, Bitcoin in the value of 4.25 million dollars for sale. According to the notification, interested parties in the period between 22 may. and 29. October register and a Deposit your offer of place. In the case of surcharge against the security deposited with the bid, and be forfeited. Those who miss out, get your Deposit in the amount of $ 200,000, however, fully refunded. In the message it reads as follows:

“The Deposit of the winning tenderer will be retained by the USMS and the purchase price credited. The Deposit of a bidder whose bid was not selected as the winning offer will be refunded to the original account from which the Deposit has been received.“

The USMS plans, said Bitcoin in two tranches. The first round consists of six blocks of 100 BTC, and round two from a Block to 60 BTC. Sized offers at current market prices, and those interested must make at least 380.000 US dollars for the decrease locker. It can therefore be assumed that the auction is aimed specifically at institutional investors.

Bitcoin is derived primarily from drug-related crime

The offered 660 BTC are confiscated tokens from a variety of criminal and civil law, and in the recent American legal history. In particular, the listed processes is the abbreviation DEA. This stands for “Drug Enforcement Agency”, the U.S. Anti-drug authority. This suggests that the confiscated BTC majority of ed from the Darknet trafficking in illegal narcotics.

in addition, the USMS is given notice that a part of the BTC come from the estate of Thomas Mario Constanzo. A U.S. court sentenced the Bitcoin Trader in March due to money laundering activities, to imprisonment for a term of 41 months. In this case, the district court also ordered the confiscation of 81 BTC, which is now also under the Hammer.

Silk-Road-sale is still unchallenged

The auction follows a series of Sales of confiscated Bitcoin by the US authorities. The auction of over 3,800 Bitcoin in January of this year we reported in detail.

the culmination of the long-lasting Tradition of the Bitcoin auctions, the auction of the seized Silk Road Bitcoin marked, however. In three attempts, the authorities eagerly offered in the years 2014 and 2016, a total of over 144,000 BTC from the possession of the Silk Road founder, Ross Ulbricht. One of the former customers, Tim Draper, moults since then, the dazzling figure in the Bitcoin universe. The billionaire venture capital Investor, has facilitated the USMS at the time, 40,000 BTC and always provides with bullish price forecasts for attention. Whether to Draper, this Time at the auction would like to participate, however, is not known.