“Whoever was acquitted in the suit trial, in which there were two conformities, knows it well,” the Prosecutor’s Office replied.


The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office has defended on Tuesday the legality of the agreements reached with some of the defendants in the trial that is taking place in the National Court for the alleged irregularities in the award to Orange Market, one of the companies in the ‘Gürtel’ plot, assuring that it is not about “obscene or clandestine pacts”.

“The one who was acquitted in the trial of the suits in which there were two conformities knows it well,” the prosecutor Concepción Nicolás replied to the former president of the Generalitat Valenciana Francisco Camps, who denounced the maneuvers of the Public Ministry in statements prior to the oral hearing .

The representative of the Prosecutor’s Office has made it clear during the processing of previous questions that the conformity of some of the main defendants, such as the leader of ‘Gürtel’ Francisco Correa or his ‘number two’ Pablo Crespo, are not “dark obscene pacts” and they are not “new or illegal” either.

“This is a voluntary personal right, it is perfectly legal and known by jurisprudence. The jurisprudence has been saying that all these acknowledgments of the facts to benefit from a mitigation require serious and relevant cooperation. The prosecutor wanted to do this,” he said. justified Nicholas.

In view of this trial, in which at least 11 of the 26 defendants have presented written acknowledgment of the facts, “what exists is a not clandestine agreement” that seeks to expedite the oral hearing and lighten the test.

“We wanted to do it in such a transparent way that all parties are transferred to the possible sentence that can be reduced. We have asked them to testify first so that those who do not conform can hear the self-incriminating story,” the prosecutor insisted.

In this context, the representative of the Public Ministry has reminded Camps that the jurisprudence has been recognizing that the writings of other defendants do not affect the criteria of the court. “The one who was acquitted in the trial of the suits in which there were two conformities knows it well,” she snapped at him.

It was this Monday when, upon his arrival at the headquarters of the National Court in San Fernando de Henares, Camps described as “obscenity” that the Prosecutor’s Office “looks for people to try to indict others in exchange for discounts on the exorbitant sentence requests that it requests many times”.

“Look what it means to say: I’m going to put him in jail for 20 years but he won’t be there for a single day if he says I don’t know who did I don’t know what. In a rule of law, a modern and civilized country this should not correspond “, he added.

Camps expressed himself like this before being tried for the alleged irregularities in the award to Orange Market, one of the companies in the ‘Gürtel’ plot, of the contract for the Valencian exhibitor of the Fitur 2009 edition, some facts for which the Prosecutor’s Office Anti-corruption requests that he be sentenced to two and a half years in prison.

On the other hand, the Prosecutor’s Office has also referred to the presence in the trial of the Generalitat Valenciana. In the opinion of Anticorruption, it is not possible “neither by time nor by substance” for the Generalitat to hold representation as a private prosecution, while the institution has appeared in the procedure “late”.

The representative of the Public Ministry has explained that the Generalitat’s room for maneuver only allows it to adhere to the Prosecutor’s brief and support, if it considers so, the civil responsibilities contained therein. What is not possible, she has pointed out, is the introduction of “new facts” or a different proof.

In addition, the prosecutor has highlighted that the Generalitat “has been defending the legality of all minor contracts” even commissioning a legal report on them. “We understand that there is a conflict of interest,” she pointed out.