EH-Bildu advocates updating and expanding the code of good banking practices to improve the protection conditions for people with difficulties in the event of defaults or conflicts with the bank, extending its obligation to all related entities and providing for a sanctioning regime against possible breaches.

These are three of the proposals included in the motion as a result of the urgent question addressed by this formation to the Vice President of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Nadia Calviño, in the control session of the Government this week in Congress.

In it, its economic spokesman, Oskar Matute, denounced that no entity has really complied with this code of good practices, “because when they detect the slightest non-payment they pass the asset to the linked investment fund”. And this, having not signed the code, Matute pointed out, is not obliged to comply with it.

Likewise, Bildu proposes in its motion, to which Europa Press has had access, to extend the protection and prohibition measures against evictions for people without a housing alternative in the future Housing Law and allocate the properties of the Management Company for Assets from Bank Restructuring (Sareb), the recently nationalized ‘bad bank’.

In this sense, this training calls for the transfer of ownership or use of the assets to other public bodies that develop social housing policies through the necessary agreements with the autonomous communities for their management.

On the other hand, Bildu adds another point in his motion to require the Government to prepare a fiscal plan in a maximum of six months with deadlines for the progressive return of the amounts injected during the bank rescue.

Matute wielded before Calviño that the banking sector is not in difficulties, compared to others more affected by the crisis caused by the pandemic or inflation and that, in addition, they were going to benefit from the imminent rise in rates, for which he asked this return “no longer out of solidarity or empathy”, but “out of responsibility”.