The president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, considers it “intolerable” that the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, “cede the rostrum of Congress” to his Colombian counterpart, Gustavo Petro, on his next visit to Spain, after speaking of “Spanish yoke ” in his speech on May 1.

Abascal has denied on his Twitter account that there was “any yoke” of Spain over Colombia, and has defended that the relationship between the two countries in the past was “a beautiful brotherhood, with a shared culture, faith and vision of the world”. .

“The only yoke in Colombia is the one that totalitarians like Petro have imposed on their people,” he added in his message.

In his speech on May 1, the president of Colombia appealed to the Colombians who promoted the Republic and defended freedom “without really understanding if it consisted of freeing themselves from the Spanish yoke of the Crown, of dethroning kings, dukes, and princes, of putting an end to privileges that separated some human beings from others, to put an end to a productive regime of slavers that condemned the black man, his family, his loves, his children, his grandchildren, to be slaves for perpetuity”.

Petro begins an official visit to Spain this Tuesday, which will include a speech before Congress this Wednesday and the imposition of the Congress and Senate medals, as well as the signing of the Book of Honor.

The president of the Congress, Meritxell Batet, will open the session with a few words of welcome to the president of Colombia, who will take the floor to offer a speech before the deputies and senators present. Once her speech is over, Batet will close the session and, together with the president of the Senate, Ander Gil, will accompany the presidential delegation to bid farewell to the president.

Vox has already announced its plan by placing the Colombian president on its ‘black’ list of Latin American leaders that it calls “liberticides”.