Around 700 people, according to National Police estimates, supported this Saturday a rally called by Patricia Ramírez, the mother of little Gabriel Cruz who was murdered in 2018 by his father’s then partner, Ana Julia Quezada, to ask that paralyze the production and broadcast of a documentary or ‘true crime’ about her son’s case that would feature the testimony of the murderer through recordings made in the Brieva prison (Ávila) where she is serving her permanent, reviewable prison sentence.

“I call on all institutions to coordinate,” said the mother of little Gabriel during an intervention in which she once again asked for help to prevent the audiovisual project and which took place in the ‘La Ballena’ space. , next to the Almadrabillas beach, where there is a plaque in memory of the ‘pescaíto’ since this was the place that was spontaneously used to pay tribute to his memory six years ago.

The rally was preceded by a crowded march that started at 7:00 p.m. from the Puerta de Purchena in Almería shouting ‘Our fish are not for sale’ or ‘It’s not a series, it’s our life’, where the Patricia Ramírez distributed cards and encouraged passers-by to join the demonstration that she led during the almost 900 meters of the route and that progressively grew larger as she reached the rally site.

Gabriel’s mother, who has excused the absence of the child’s father, Ángel Cruz, because he is working abroad, has thanked the support of “all the good people” to whom, as she said, she turns again after “months of trying through administrations, victim assistance offices and bodies” such as the Ministry of the Interior itself, to put an end to the alleged recordings that are made inside the prison by the prisoner.

Thus, he has insisted on the “irregularities” that would have occurred inside the prison, where through a “direct source”, as he has asserted, he would have known that Ana Julia Quezada would have access to a mobile phone through which she could record images and audios with the “complicity” of certain officials and without permission from their superiors.

Patricia Ramírez has stressed that said series or documentary would be managed by the same audiovisual production company as three years ago, and with the alleged contribution of Ana Julia Quezada’s lawyer, the lawyer Esteban Hernández-Thiel, he has already offered her to record a ‘true crime’ about their son’s case, which they refused to do given their refusal to “profit” from the image of their little one.

“We have also learned in these last two weeks that several journalists have been able to access it and even do the ‘preview’ to finish this piece,” added Ramírez, who has disgraced that “any media outlet would deign to give him voice to the murderer” of Gabriel Cruz, even more so if there is an economic compensation despite the fact that this is an excuse to pay the civil liability to which she was sentenced, which amounts to half a million euros.

The woman, who has stated that she is not against ‘show crimes’ in general, has claimed her role as a mother to decide if the image and memory of her son can be used for a new audiovisual product. “We deserve first that this woman breaks the rules in prison and second, that someone puts a microphone on her, whether with consent or without it,” she stressed.

Ramírez has insisted that “we have never wanted Gabriel to be an object of sale or marketing” despite the fact that he has been offered series, documentaries, movies and even using his son’s name to name aquariums. “We ask to retire in peace, in privacy, to try to rebuild our lives and look for a new meaning to live,” he implored during his conversation in which, on several occasions, he broke down to the applause of the crowd.

“Our children are not fiction,” he said before recalling other cases of other victims who have also been affected by these series, a sense in which he alluded to the controversy sparked by the crime report by the Barcelona Urban Police. which, as he recalled during this day, is the subject of “judicial dispute precisely because of the bad practices when recording it.”

Thus, he has called to stop any production to prevent “any murderer” from appearing on television and being “paid”, so in that case they will be able to “profit by recounting such terrible situations and ignoring the pain of his family, but especially the permit”

“Do we want to become the United States, where murderers have a fan club? In this country do we pay ‘Chicle’, ETA murderers or ‘Rafita’ and also put them in front of a microphone? If we don’t stop it , this is what is going to happen,” Ramírez said in this regard in the previous press conference he offered on Saturday morning.

In addition to the cascade of complaints announced to prevent production, Patricia Ramírez has also detailed that she has requested assistance from different committees of Congress and the Senate, since she has informed the Interior of her initiatives, so she trusts that ” paralyze this situation that should never have happened.”