April 2023 has ended with more than 180 temperature records in all of Spain except in La Rioja and the Basque Country, and for the first time since there are records, 38.5ºC has been reached in these thirty, according to, which has confirmed the “extremely hot” and dry nature of this month in almost the entire country.

The meteorological portal has indicated that the average thermal temperature anomalies exceeded 1.5º and even 2ºC compared to normal values ​​in large areas of the country. However, no meteorological station with a negative average thermal anomaly has been registered. Of the 180 records, more than a hundred were for maximum temperature.

Of all the stations, highlights that of the port of Navacerrada, which with 8.7ºC has had an anomaly of 4.5ºC with respect to the average of the reference period 1991-2020. In Jaén and Morón de la Frontera (the latter, with data from 1946) the average temperature anomaly has exceeded 4ºC.

Most of the stations in Andalusia, Extremadura, Castilla-La Mancha, Madrid and Castilla y León have been between 3 and 4 degrees above normal values. For example, Valladolid reached an irregularity of 3.1ºC; Madrid – Retiro and Seville with 3.2ºC above the average and in Cáceres they reached 3.7ºC above the normal value for April.

In general, the maximums were very high during the month of April, as for example in Granada-airport, where they were on average 6.8ºC higher than normal. In Córdoba, Morón de la Frontera and Cuenca they also register maximums of 6ºC higher than normal.

The mercury was at levels typical of summer in places such as Córdoba airport, which had an average of 30.1ºC, which is a value that is between the average of the maximums of May, of 27.4ºC, and those of June, 32.8ºC. .

The freak heat has led to more than 100 monthly maximum temperature records across the country. highlights the record of Córdoba-Aeropuerto, which with 38.8ºC has set a new maximum record in April for mainland Spain and Europe

Another of the singularities of this April 2023 has taken place in Córdoba, which for 17 consecutive days has exceeded 30ºC and on four occasions 35, something that had never happened before in April.

Only La Rioja and the Basque Country have not achieved any record for maximum monthly and minimum monthly high. In addition, has pointed out a “marked” difference between the old brands and the new ones.

April has also been an “extremely dry” month in which none of the stations analyzed had positive precipitation anomalies. The areas with the least anomaly have been concentrated in Galicia and the eastern Cantabrian area and, in the rest of the country, where it has rained less than half of normal.

In areas such as Albacete, Malaga and Valencia they have not collected any precipitation throughout the month and others, such as Seville, Córdoba, Badajoz or Cuenca, have barely accumulated 10 percent of the normal rainfall for this period.

For May, points out that the April trend will be repeated, although, in the coming days, the heat will not be so extreme and the absence of rain will continue in a large part of the country.