The Argentine public media this Monday showed their concern and rejection of the plans of the newly elected president, the ultra-liberal Javier Milei (La Libertad Avanza, LLA), who intends to privatize them.

“(Milei) demonstrates great ignorance of the role that (public media) play in democratic construction,” reads a joint statement signed by the head of Radio and Television Argentina (RTA), Rosario Lufrano; the director of the Télam news agency, Bernarda Llorente; and the general manager of Public Content, Jésica Tritten; and subscribed by National Radio and Public TV.

Thus, in the letter they insist that “public media are essential for the strengthening of democratic life, free expression, the diversity of voices and citizen construction,” as published by Télam.

In that sense, they have defended information “as a right and not as a commodity”, which is produced based on “public interest and not by commercial standards”, which work around “plurality, diversity and inclusion” and that its mandate is “established in current laws.”

In addition, the directors have explained that the role of public media also serves “informational and cultural sovereignty” and “the dissemination of Argentina to the world.”

Finally, they have reaffirmed their commitment to comply with good practices and to submit to “accountability to citizens and control bodies.”

Previously, Milei had reiterated his plans to privatize public companies such as the oil company Yacimientos Petrolófilos Fiscales (YPF), Public Television, Radio Nacional and the Télam news agency “more for symbolic than budgetary reasons.”