“The Constitutional Court has been the origin of the Catalan conflict and now it can be part of the solution”
The ex-deputy of En Comú Podemos in Congress Jaume Asens has stated that “it would have been almost impossible to get an amnesty without the relevance of Junts”.
In an interview in ‘El Nacional.cat’ picked up this Sunday by Europa Press, Asens, who has been a negotiator for Sumar with ERC and Junts, has analyzed that the amnesty is deserved “also by ERC, but above all by Junts”.
When asked what he thought that the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, depended on the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont to continue with his term, he responded that “it was good news for the country, Catalonia.”
According to him, Junts did well to place the referendum as an aspect to be addressed during the legislature and not as a requirement prior to the investiture: “It took the negotiation to the limit but always understanding what the perimeter was and where the precipice was.”
He has pointed out that in Sumar there are sectors for whom “the electoral cost” of the amnesty generates fear, since they consider that the people have voted for them for the social agenda, in his words.
“But when you do something out of principles and convictions – unlike the PSOE, which does it out of opportunism – you assume the electoral cost because you do it to advance,” he added.
Regarding the demonstrations against the amnesty, he pointed out that there is “a certain cognitive dissonance because not even they themselves believe it. And that has risks: a hothead can believe it, act accordingly and do everything possible to overthrow the dictatorship in question.”
Asked if the Constitutional Court (TC) can overturn the law, he responded that if the text of ERC, Junts and the Cup had been successful in 2021, “it would have collided with a non-renewed TC, with a conservative majority.”
And he has literally considered that now, with the renewed TC, the context has changed: “The Constitutional Court has been the origin of the Catalan conflict and now it can be part of the solution.”