The president of the Community and PP candidate for re-election, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has referred to the homes of the second vice president of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, and the Más Madrid candidate for the regional Presidency, Mónica García, and has maintained that what she wants is for “citizens to live like the leaders of the left.”

This has been pointed out, during an act of thanks to the controllers and representatives of the PP in Madrid, in the Parque del Ocio, in Torrejón de Ardoz, where he has emphasized that the vice president lives in “a 443-square-meter house paid for by all “. In addition, he has indicated that every time the “page” of García’s assets is updated, “as many floors appear as those promised” by the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez.

“I do not criticize him because I do not promote the culture of envy, I promote the culture of work. Therefore, I want everyone to do like the leaders of the left. That is one of my maxims in this legislature “, he pointed out.

He has also criticized that this Sunday it became known that the former minister and leader of the PSC, Salvador Illa, “when he came” to the position of the Government of Spain “he had just bought a home” but decided to use “the one of the Ministry of Health without needing it”. At this point, he has warned him to be careful with his house because “his own government partners can expropriate it.”

In any case, she has insisted that she doesn’t care if she has one house or five, but what she wants is for “the rest of the citizens to live like the leaders of the left.” “If it is not about others doing worse, but about us all doing better”, she has declared.

On the other hand, he has once again made an x-ray of the situation in “the Spain of Sánchez”. Thus, he has warned that the number of sexual offenders benefited from the ‘only yes is yes’ law “already exceeds 1,025 and 105 releases”, that Europe has given “the alarm” because the president is “laundering corruption as a pact with its allies”, that the Executive “will not give actual unemployment data before the elections” and that the Basque Government has begun to give “the first special permits to prisoners”.

In addition, he has censured that Sánchez spends “an extra billion euros on pensions for not coordinating with the INE and that the industry” is weakening. to everything and since the citizens are really concerned about moving forward with their projects, their families, their businesses, they are not and cannot be there to remember every time this government commits any type of outrage”, he launched next.

For Ayuso, from the Executive they know that he swallows “with everything” and that they have an “open bar” after they have broken “the bar of immorality by agreeing with those who agree” and that despite what happened “in these five years” they have not have had no demonstration to “ask for employment and put an end to the problem of the self-employed”.

Given this, the head of the regional government has remarked that Spain worries them and has maintained that they have the obligation not only to manage but to “defend a way of seeing life.” “We see it in a generous, open, free, brave way, in the face of adversity, where we don’t like botch work, where we don’t like sectarianism, and where everyone votes what they want, decides how they want to lead their lives,” has apostilled

In this sense, he has reiterated that from autonomy they do not do “social engineering” but the only thing they want is for people to “live together” and above all that they feel that it is worth being in it.