The Minister for Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda, Ione Belarra, assured this Sunday in Cáceres that “Podemos is going to defend that we need more sovereignty, that we need a public company in each strategic sector.”

Belarra has made these statements during his speech at the event ‘Strategic sectors to transform’, organized by United for Extremadura, in which the Secretary of State for Social Rights, Nacho Álvarez; the candidate of United for Extremadura for the Presidency of the Board, Irene de Miguel, the candidate of this party for the Assembly, Joaquín Macías; and the candidate for Mayor of Cáceres, Consuelo López.

Belarra has insisted that Spain needs “a public pharmaceutical company, a public technology company, a public electricity company and, above all, a public chain of supermarkets that calls itself fair prices, that lowers prices and protects small producers.”

In this regard, he stressed that there is a “food oligopoly” that is in the hands of the president of Mercadona, Juan Roig. “They are speculating with food,” he has pointed out, something that cannot be allowed; hence the need to have this public chain of supermarkets.

For this reason, the minister has once again reiterated that “public intervention in the economy is the one that works best”, as has been shown, she has indicated, in measures such as the increase in the Minimum Interprofessional Wage or the cap on gas.

And that can only be done by a political force like Podemos, he remarked, because “the PSOE is a very conservative force”, being “timorous”, with “make-up measures” and “overreacting with the PP”, and “this is not how wins to the right”, has underlined.

In this sense, he has detailed issues in which the PSOE has allowed the PP, such as the joint vote on the reform of the Law of yes only is yes, or the stoppage of the renewal of organs of the Judiciary. For this reason, he commented, “it is essential that Podemos have the greatest possible strength in the elections on May 28.”

And it is that, according to Belarra, in these elections, as in the previous ones, “they want to make Podemos disappear”, because the purple formation “is the permanent reminder that we were on our knees and we stood up.” For this reason, it has asked the militancy and supporters of this party “to go street by street, neighborhood by neighborhood, town by town”, and it has been “convinced” that United for Extremadura is going to enter the Extremadura government hand in hand by Irene de Miguel.

“She is the best possible candidate because she is the only one who dares to say what no other candidate on this earth says”, and she has called for “a dignified and social train that will structure this earth”, something that, “if it is not listen here, we will have to make more noise, but we must demand it now”.

For her part, the United for Extremadura candidate for the Presidency of the Board thanked “the enormous work” that both Belarra and Álvarez are carrying out for the benefit of communities such as Extremadura, and focused her speech on reiterating the need to have with “a public energy company, as the Balearic Islands already have”.

This public company must redistribute the benefits among the citizens “and leave well-being here,” said Irene de Miguel. “We are the green battery of Spain, but the companies take their benefits outside of Extremadura,” she insisted.

For De Miguel, it is good that there is potential for green energy in Extremadura and projects that want to exploit the sun, but “it must be managed in another way, with another model, from the public.” And it is that, he has highlighted, “the photovoltaics want to tile our land”, and although it is true that “they are necessary”, they cannot be installed at the cost of “cutting down centuries-old olive trees or covering the fertile land”.

Along the same lines, he has advocated for the public management of water, because the electric companies “are stealing our water” to produce energy. For this reason, he has stated that “hydrological falls must be public” and pass into public hands in the final cycle of their life, as should be the case of the Peña del Águila dam.

On the other hand, the United for Extremadura candidate has assured that the legislature that has just ended “has not been easy, due to the socialist roller”, and has been convinced that her formation “is going to be decisive” in the next Government regional to prevent PP and VOX from reaching the Presidency of the Board.

“To vote with courage, for a feminist, egalitarian, social and much more courageous Extremadura”, De Miguel has sentenced.

The event was held at the El Corral de las Cigüeñas bar in the capital of Cáceres, with the assistance of a hundred people.