The leader of Podemos and acting Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra, has demanded from the acting President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, that Spain stop buying weapons from Israel, as part of the response that should be undertaken in the face of the “genocide” and the “ethical cleansing” of Palestinians in Gaza.

And he has highlighted that these economic incomes are “stained in blood”, pointing out that in 2023 alone Spain has purchased military material from Israel for 300 million euros, together with another 700 million committed to acquiring weapons for the coming years.

“Let’s stop buying weapons from Israel once and for all. Not with our silence,” he proclaimed during his speech at the party’s Political Conference, focused on completing his new political strategy, where he demanded that Sánchez follow the example of Bolivia. , Chile and Colombia to break diplomatic relations with Israel.

What’s more, he has stated that it is necessary to tell the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, that he is a “murderer and a war criminal.”

“It is not a war, nor is it legitimate defense. It is a genocide, comrades, it is ethnic cleansing and what the State of Israel is doing is exterminating the people of Palestine,” he told his coreligionists gathered at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid.

He has also called to follow the example of Belgian unions that refuse to unload weapons destined for Israel, given that “those weapons are stained with the blood of Palestinian children.”

Therefore, he has urged the socialist wing of the Executive to set an example and stop buying weapons from Israel, given that these benefits are “stained in blood” and serve to “exterminate” the Palestinian people.