BuildingCenter, a CaixaBank company focused on disinvesting the real estate portfolio from the banking group, has chosen Solvia-Intrum, Azzam (Azora’s subsidiary) and Haya Real Estate as new suppliers for the sale, maintenance and rental management of the real estate portfolio of the banking group for the next three years, the entity explained in a statement on Thursday.

BuildingCenter “has considered it appropriate to put out different tenders to have the best service provider” for each of the main stages of its value chain: sale, rental and maintenance, CaixaBank has assured.

Thus, Solvia-Intrum has been chosen for the sale and maintenance of the properties from the CaixaBank portfolio for the next three years. This period can be extended for an additional 18 months if BuildingCenter so decides.

For its part, the company Azzam, a servicer specializing in the comprehensive management of residential rental assets, has been chosen to manage the rental of the properties in the portfolio for the next two years, with the possibility of extending for another year.

For its part, Haya Real Estate has been the winner of the contest for the maintenance of properties in the portfolio originating from Bankia. Currently, Haya is already in charge of the commercialization of these assets, a management that it will continue to carry out.

The new contract, exclusively for the maintenance of the buildings, will have a duration of three years, extendable for a period of 18 more months, if so agreed by BuildingCenter.

With the choice of Haya Real Estate, continuity is given to the operating model of the BuildingCenter portfolio, by maintaining the award to the same provider for commercial and technical services.

The company has indicated that at the time the announced purchase of Haya Real Estate by Solvia-Intrum is closed, this company will be the sole servicer for CaixaBank as regards the sale and maintenance of real estate.

Lastly, the company has reported that, in this new relationship model with providers, the company has decided that it will work with its own systems, to which the chosen service providers will connect.