The Congress of Deputies will validate next Thursday the decree-law that includes the pension reform, which, as the Government has promised, will be processed later as a bill to be able to introduce amendments from the different groups, as the Minister of Inclusion slipped. , Social Security and Migrations, José Luis Escrivá, in the Toledo Pact Commission.

In an extraordinary meeting, the Council of Ministers approved on March 16 the second base of the reform of the pension system, which includes increases in maximum bases and contributions, improvements in minimum pensions and the establishment of a dual model to calculate the pension, which will give the option to choose between the last 25 years of contributions or 29 years, ruling out the two worst in the latter case.

The reform, agreed within the coalition government with the European Commission first, and later with the unions (not including employers), was finally approved as a royal decree-law in order to expedite its publication in the Official State Gazette (BOE). ).

The new system proposed by Escrivá will imply a “substantial” increase in the pension, largely due to the progressive increase in the overpricing established by the Intergenerational Equity Mechanism (MEI), which will go from the current 0.6% to 1.2% in 2029. In fact, the minister pointed out that the reform will mean an increase of almost 20,000 euros in the future retirement of 25-year-old workers and of almost 5,000 euros for employees who retire in 2027.

Among other novelties, the reform will also include a clause to increase the minimum widow’s pensions and equate them with the contributory retirement pensions, after an agreement between the Government and EH Bildu. Likewise, the solidarity quota that affects salaries that exceed the maximum contribution base will finally be progressive based on salary, as demanded by the PDeCAT.

The vote on the reform in Congress will take place after learning the opinion of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), which has warned that the new scheme will raise the Social Security deficit and increase retirement spending to a maximum of 16 .3% of GDP in 2049, including non-contributory and passive class pensions.