Sumar’s substitute spokesperson, Enrique Santiago (IU), and the group’s deputy Gerardo Pisarello (En Comú Podem), have supported the appointment of the former socialist minister Carmen Calvo as president of the Council of State and thus distance themselves from the criticism expressed yesterday to his appointment by the spokesperson for feminisms and LGTBi rights, Elizabeth Duval.

In statements to the media in the halls of Congress, Santiago highlighted that Calvo is a “jurist of recognized prestige” and it seems “very good” that a “specialist” in Constitutional Law takes charge of this body that advises the Executive.

For his part and at a press conference, Pisarello has framed this appointment within normality and that “beyond what one may think” about Carmen Calvo, her choice is “legitimate” given that she is a “jurist who has demonstrated her competence to exercise the position”.

In this sense, the first secretary of the Board has stressed that one may not agree with the positions of the former vice president, such as with the amnesty or on matters of feminism, but that these opinions do not disqualify her from holding that position.

Their positions differ from those expressed yesterday by Duval, who expressed his rejection of the former vice president taking charge of the Council of State, as he is “concerned” that “transphobia” presides over this institution.

According to the leader of Sumar, Carmen Calvo is “the most responsible for the obstruction of the Trans Law and the anti-trans speech of one party” and has also added that it is “impossible to forget her abstention or words” to the activist and senator of Mas Madrid Carla Antonelli.