He requests that his candidacy be annulled and that the rest of the candidates be reviewed for anomalies in the criminal records.

The Dignity and Justice association has filed a complaint with the Donostia area Electoral Board to inform them that one of the EH Bildu candidates, the tenth for the town of Astigarraga (Guipúzcoa) Sara Majarenas Ibarreta, is ineligible because she is disabled by final judgment until 2028.

They indicate that she was sentenced in September 2007 for integration into a terrorist organization, forgery of documents, and illegal possession of weapons to 13 years and 2 months in prison and to absolute disqualification for a period of more than 10 years than the duration of the sentence imposed.

In the complaint, to which Europa Press has had access, the president of the association, Daniel Portero, explains that Majarenas entered prison in February 2005 and was released in April 2018 after serving 13 years and 2 months in prison.

Thus, “taking into account that, as established in the sentence itself, the main sentence of absolute disqualification was imposed for a period of 10 years longer than the prison sentence imposed, and, having been released from prison on April 9, 2018, Sara Majarenas has not extinguished said main penalty of absolute disqualification,” he points out.

Given this, and given that this disqualification would last until 2028, Dignidad y Justicia requests in its letter, which has also been sent to the Electoral Board of Guipúzcoa, the Executory Service of the National Court and the Central Electoral Board (JEC), the challenge and annulment of that candidacy for the municipal elections of May 28.

Dignity and Justice recalls that it has already denounced the candidacies of 43 people presented under the acronym EH Bildu who had been convicted of terrorist crimes before the National Court Prosecutor’s Office. He points out that the Public Prosecutor’s Office, in its response, indicated that the criminal history sheets of the convicted persons had been collected and that the examination of this documentation did not reveal any assumption of ineligibility of those provided for in the electoral law.

But the Portero association recalls that they have already focused on the fact that, given the existing precedents, there were anomalies when recording sentence executions because until 2015 “there was no practice of reflecting the expiration date of the disqualifications in the settlements absolute or special imposed in sentence”.

Thus, they point out that the ideal way to see if a sentence of absolute or special disqualification, specifically for a conviction of terrorism, is not to go to the criminal history sheet of the convicted person “but to the liquidation of the sentence practiced by the Lawyers of the Administration of Justice of the Common Executory Service of the National Court”.

After this, the association asks the Donostia Electoral Board to proceed to request urgently from the Common Enforcement Service of the National Court, the liquidation of the sentence of Sara Majarenas to verify documentary what they denounce, that she is “involved in a case of ineligibility of article 6.2 of the Organic Law of the General Electoral Regime (LOREG)”.


Likewise, and “given the error suffered”, it indicates that the Common Enforcement Service of the National Court must urgently request the liquidation of the sentence of “each and every one of the candidates presented by the political entity EH Bildu to the next regional and municipal elections” to verify if someone else incurs in said cause of ineligibility.

“We are talking about people convicted of terrorist crimes, some of them with blood crimes, and who are running as candidates in municipalities where they committed their terrorist murders, and, above all, we are talking about safeguarding the rights of victims of terrorism” , Add.