Esquerra Republicana (ERC), Junts, Bildu and the Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG) have already decided that they will not send any representative to the swearing-in ceremony of the Constitution of the Princess of Asturias before the Cortes Generales that will take place on the 31st of October in Congress.

The Catalan and Basque independentists and the Galician nationalists do not usually participate in any event related to or with the presence of the Head of State and, in fact, in recent times they have not attended any of the rounds of consultations that Felipe VI has called to find a candidate for The presidency. Nor did they do it with the King Emeritus Juan Carlos I.

And, on this occasion, it was not going to be different, as confirmed to Europa Press by sources from those parties, which these days are immersed in negotiations with the PSOE to try to reissue a coalition government with Pedro Sánchez at the helm.

The Catalan republicans justify their ‘plan’ by considering that the Spanish monarchy is an “outdated and corrupt” institution that, in their opinion, should “disappear.” Similar reasons are given by Bildu, which does not recognize the Crown or its legitimacy or the role that “some” give it.

Unlike what happened with the old Convergència i Unió (CiU), its heirs from Junts broke all bridges with the Crown with the independence process of 2017 and, especially following Felipe VI’s speech after the referendum on October 1 of that year.

For its part, the BNG understands the Monarchy as a State structure “imposed” by Francoism and, therefore, an heir, in addition to being an “anachronistic” and, in the Spanish case, “corrupt” institution.

On Tuesday, October 31, Congress will be decked out to host the swearing-in ceremony of the Magna Carta of Leonor de Borbón, on her 18th birthday, before the Cortes Generales. Her grandfather will not attend this meeting, which will take place in the Plenary Hall, as he has been invited to a subsequent family celebration at the El Pardo Palace.

The King’s eldest daughter will thus comply with the procedure established by article 61.2 of the Constitution, which stipulates that “the Crown Prince, upon reaching the age of majority” must take the same oath” as the head of State.

A good part of the deputies and senators of the PSOE, the PP and Vox are expected to attend this ceremony, as well as representation from the Canarian Coalition (CC) and the Navarro People’s Union (UPN), while the leadership of Sumar and Podemos They haven’t decided what they will do yet. For its part, Compromís does consider sending a representation, while the Balearic Islands of Mès do not plan to be at the ceremony.