Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced that the Turkish secret services have eliminated the leader of the Islamic State terrorist group, Abu al Hussein al Quraishi, in an operation carried out on Saturday in Syrian territory.

“The National Intelligence Organization (MIT) has been following the leader of the Islamic State, Abu al-Husein al-Quraishi, for a long time. I am saying it here for the first time. This individual was killed yesterday in Syria in an operation by the Turkish secret services.” , Erdogan explained in statements collected by Turkish television TRT.

The Turkish president has stressed that Turkey will continue to work to counter terrorist organizations “without making distinctions between them”, a reference to the Kurdish militias of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and related organizations present in countries such as Syria.

“We have gone after the terrorist organizations. It is a fight that also contributes to security in Europe, but they are not aware of it. We are the only NATO country that is fighting against the PKK with results,” he stressed.

On November 30, the United States announced the death of Abu al-Husein al-Quraishi’s predecessor, Abu al-Hassan al-Hashimi al-Quraishi in Syria in an operation by the Free Syrian Army, a pro-Turkish Syrian militia. This first Al Quraishi was the brother of the group’s historic leader, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, who died in Syria in 2019.