The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has warned the acting President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, that the PP “will not remain silent” until it can “speak in elections” again, all of this after the PSOE’s agreement with Junts that includes the amnesty.

“We will not remain silent until we speak in elections and we can all vote again because what is being done is the opposite of what we voted for,” Feijóo stressed at the PP demonstration in Madrid against the amnesty and the investiture of Sánchez. , the center of those called for training in the squares of the 52 provincial capitals.

Feijóo has questioned why there is “fear” of going to the polls again. “We Spaniards have the right,” he defended, to emphasize that what will be voted on in the Congress of Deputies this week, in reference to Sánchez’s investiture, “will be the opposite of what was voted at the polls for the first time in the History of Spain”.

In this context, he has called to continue the demonstrations peacefully against the amnesty and the pacts of the PSOE, and has criticized the attempt to “pass” those who protest “as a violent minority that is dedicated to destroying and breaking up the demonstrations.” “.

“We say no. We are in compliance with the law and legal demonstrations can be made anywhere in Spain. We are defending the Police, the Civil Guard, the State Security Forces and Corps,” he stated. .

Along these lines, he pointed out that the PSOE is the one that “does not comply with the law.” “They are the ones who use the Civil Guard and the Police, they are the ones who are going to test the amnesty,” he lamented, to underline that Spain is “a country of brave people, but brave with respect, serenity and firmness.”

In relation to the PSOE pacts, Feijóo has also warned that Spain “cannot be the object of a sale.” “We Spaniards do not admit that the presidency of the Government is a sale. We Spaniards want democracy, we want equality, we want justice and we want dignity,” he added.

“Spain is going to have a president who has bought his investiture in exchange for the judicial impunity of his partners paid for with the taxes of the Spanish people,” he also criticized, to regret that Europe suffers the “misfortune” that its current president , Sánchez, “is the one who wants to break the coexistence of a European country.”

Regarding the general secretary of the PSOE, his “greed” has also been disfigured. “It is the greed of a citizen that has brought us here, it is the greed of a citizen who has overstated the representativeness of the independence movement,” he warned. For Feijóo, Sánchez’s “sole purpose” is to “underestimate the intelligence of the Spanish.”

Likewise, he has accused him of using Spain “to create his political theater and become president again after losing.” In this way, he has asked Spain not to be “deceived”: “Sánchez does not create any agreement, neither plural, nor diverse, nor progressive.”

“For all this we say no to amnesty, no to impunity, no to inequality, yes to a Spain of free and equal citizens with a future,” he cried out in a speech that has been interrupted by the public several times by shouts such as “Spain is not for sale” or “Sánchez, son of a bitch.”

In this context, Feijóo has warned Sánchez that he has managed to “unite millions of different Spaniards, with different ideology and different votes, from the PSOE to Vox.” “That is the only thing it has achieved, uniting all these people to say that we are not willing to take a single step back from what we have achieved through coexistence in the last 45 years. We are not willing to do that,” he stated. “We will win this battle, that of reason, equality, law and the rule of law,” concluded Feijóo.