He assumes that he could lose the investiture in a speech in which he accuses Sánchez of leading to “moral and political degradation” for “convenience”

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has defended, in the face of criticism of “waste of time” launched by the leader of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, his right to go to the investiture debate after being “the winner” on 23J and receiving the mandate of King Felipe VI. In any case, he has assumed that he weighs the scenario that he does not run for president with a preventive message: “We will defend the freedom and equality of the Spanish people at any cost; even if it costs us the Presidency of the Government.”

With Sánchez a few kilometers from Santiago, the leader of the PP has chosen the Galician capital to highlight his “constitutionalist” profile just days before his investiture debate is held – in which, a priori, he does not have enough votes to be elected president, a situation palpable both in his speech and in that of the head of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, who expressed his unwavering support for him.

To this end, Feijóo has resorted to an anniversary and has pointed out that on December 6 the 45th anniversary of the Magna Carta will be commemorated, before lamenting that “never” during this time was it necessary “to defend a principle with such emphasis basic principle that differentiates democracy from dictatorship: the equality of all citizens.

He did so in an event in which, under the motto ‘For the equality of Spaniards’, 1,500 people gathered and which preceded the one planned in Madrid for next Sunday the 24th. At the Multiusos do Sar, supported by his own , and after an intervention in which the leader of the Galician PP, Alfonso Rueda, proclaimed that “no government is worth the dignity of a politician”, Feijóo has assured that the Spanish will always have the PP as a “guarantee” of commitment to the Constitution.

In contrast, he recalled that the “last expelled” from the PSOE was Pedro Sánchez in the crisis of 2016. “Today it is the Sanchista Party,” he said, with examples such as the recent expulsion of Nicolás Redondo – to which he also referred. deputy Marta González, in charge of opening the event–; and has repudiated the criticism that the socialist has launched at him from the neighboring town of Oroso, emphasizing that, in this case, whoever questions him had fewer votes than him on June 23 and gives in for “personal convenience” to the independence “blackmail.”

Thus, he has tried to combat Sánchez with his own criticisms and has emphasized that it is not “a waste of time to comply and enforce the Constitution, to comply and enforce the mandate of the head of State” or “to comply and have respect for the result of the polls”, and has guaranteed that the PP “will build the future of Spain”. “We are going to continue fighting because Spain needs us more than ever,” he stated.

In his speech, which began in Galician, the popular leader highlighted that the party that projected him politically “always responds” and, in addition to praising the “political, institutional and social stability” that guarantees that Galicia “works” against “the blockades”, has established Rueda as “one of the best” regional presidents in the country.

Still in Galician, a “natural and cordial language”, and before “forgetting about earpieces”, he has proclaimed that the PP is “a state party” and has stated that this fact “will be finalized in the coming days”. And then he focused on the campaign that has been undertaken from Genoa in favor of “equality.”

Thus, in addition to this event, he has alluded to the one planned in Madrid next Sunday, to which he has invited “everyone who wants to go.” Not in vain, within the framework of a controversy seasoned by the different statements of the popular people in relation to the event, he has stressed that “what is happening in Spain is much more” than a party act.

Thus, he has alluded to the “great State pact” of the approval of the Constitution, which will be 45 years old on December 6, convinced that a similar agreement today would be “almost impossible.” In any case, he has reaffirmed the PP’s commitment to the principles of the Constitution, since it speaks, he said, “of the safeguarding of democracy, and the guarantee of the rights and freedoms” of citizens.

“Never in those 45 years have we had to defend with such emphasis a basic and fundamental principle that differentiates democracy from dictatorship, which is the equality of all citizens and, consequently, the equality of all Spaniards,” he stated.


“We could say that in a mature democracy like ours, having reached this level of moral and political degradation has no name, but in Spain it does,” he argued, and pointed to Sánchez, before citing several examples, such as that ERC “dictate” what had to be done with pardons and sedition. Thus, she has regretted that there are those who make convicted persons “write the penal code” to “erase their crimes.”

“It was not to equate us with Europe, but for Sánchez’s personal convenience,” he pointed out, with which he has also linked other issues, such as the “image campaign for Bildu and Otegi so that he has options to be lehendakari” or that “a former president of the Generalitat wanted by the Supreme Court”, in reference to Carles Puigdemont, “decides who is going to be the next president of the Government.”

In contrast, he has claimed Spain as “a nation of free and equal citizens.” “We are going to defend the freedom and equality of the Spanish people before anyone even if they tell us no. And we are going to do it no matter what it costs us; even if it costs us the Presidency of the Government of Spain,” he stated.

“A pro-independence politician is not worth more than a politician who is not. And a citizen who votes for independence is not worth more than a citizen who votes for the union of all the peoples of Spain. It cannot be and it will not be,” he added. , in a speech focused on highlighting the constitutionalist profile of the PP without express allusions to the amnesty, although it did refer to the independence “blackmail” of Sánchez.

“We are going to defend the freedom of the Spanish people and of a president who is not intervened by half a dozen deputies, the freedom to vote with which the Spanish people, after several years, have once again placed the PP as the first party in Spain. And freedom of expression. They are not going to silence us,” he proclaimed, convinced that it is “annoying” that he goes to the investiture because he was the “winner” on June 23 and because he will be able to explain that the PP project is not “subject to no blackmail.”

“It bothers them that we defend the freedom and equality of all Spaniards before the law; that we give a voice to all Spaniards while they listen to those who say they do not want to be Spaniards, that we remind them of their countless lies,” he warned.


Thus, he has condemned the fact that the current leadership of the PSOE, which “does not even recognize the electoral result”, tried to “silence” the PP voters, then sought to “corner them” and now “expels its own people for defending the Constitution.” . “They are expelled for defending dignity. Coherence, common sense and the defense of institutions are already officially incompatible with military in the PSOE,” he criticized.

At the same time, he recalled that “the last one” who was kicked out of the PSOE for “staining the acronym and giving a blow” was Sánchez himself, and now, he said, only “the Sanchista Party” exists. “I don’t know if we will win the investiture or not, but the Spaniards are not going to lose their dignity. That will never happen, you can be sure,” he guaranteed, in an event that closed with an embrace on the platform with Álex Doval, popular mayor of Oroso. , where the socialists celebrated their event with Sánchez.